Category: Fitness


Top Instagram Fitness Gurus you Should Follow in 2018

People you surround yourself with can easily make you better through inspiration and encouragement. With the current state of the economy, it is difficult to get time to work, be with family, and consult a nutritionist or a gym specialist. Since keeping fit is healthy, most people have turned to social media to get fitness guidelines....


Exercise Equipment – The advantages of a house Trampoline

If you are convinced working out is really a chore, use a small-trampoline that will help you remain in shape. It’s an enjoyable experience and very healthy simultaneously. The trampoline has leaped a lengthy way from the original. Apparently it began 1934 being an astronaut training tool. Today it will be in many houses, inside or...

fitness ball

Looking Beyond Kegels : Gеt Rid оf thе Cоmmоn Mуthѕ аnd Strengthen Yоur Pеlviс Flооr Muѕсlеѕ

Arе Kegel еxеrсiѕеѕ a rеgulаr раrt of your routine? Wеll, if you haven’t started doing these реlviс еxеrсiѕеѕ уеt, you cannot rеаllу imрrоvе аnd рrеvеnt thе ѕуmрtоmѕ of urinary inсоntinеnсе, lасk of bladder соntrоl, оrgаn рrоlарѕе аnd infrequent orgasms. Pеlviсеxеrсiѕеѕ nоt оnlу strengthen уоur реlviс floor, but also hеlр imрrоvе your hеаlth. When inсludеd as a...

mma sports

MMA Training Techniques and Styles

MMA—that is to say, “mixed-martial-arts”—has seriously grown in popularity over the past few years.  According to Speak MMA, this is probably because the ring brings together several combat techniques (mostly from Asian cultures) that allow for striking with the hands and feet as well as grappling, takedowns, and ground attacks and submission holds. Of course, the...

stay fit

Simple But Helpful Ways To Stay in Shape

Use A Pedometer Most physicians will advise a regular Joe to take at least 10,000 steps a day. If you have a pedometer, this will help you determine if you have reached that many steps. By using a pedometer, you can make sure that you are getting the minimum required exercise that your body needs. If...

muay thai

Why Should You Take Muay Thai Classes?

Learning a combat sport could prove to be very beneficial in the long run. Numerous studies have shown that people who take part in combat sports are not only more disciplined, but they are also stronger and able to defend themselves. Most people think that combat sports only teach you how to fight. Instead, almost every...

smaller waist

How To Get a Smaller Waist

Truth be told, you are not alone if you would kill to have a waist like Scarlett O’Hara’s.  Women all over the world are fighting tooth and nail just to discover what it takes to achieve that whistle-bait waist.  We try our hardest to catch that elusive weight loss genie, but our efforts seem to always...

fitness gear

Tips for buying right fitness gear for workout

With exercise becoming an integral part of people’s life to stay healthy and fit, they have started buying fitness gear for their home use to avoid hefty gym membership fees and save commuting time by following daily fitness regime at their home gym arena. To setup a mini home gym you need to buy some fitness...