Category: Meditation

yoga meditation

The Science Behind Yoga and Stress

It’s no argument that yoga has a positive impact and influence on our stress. While mainly a holistic approach to healing and sustaining well-being, there is actually a science behind this beloved exercise, its series of poses and breathing movements, and philosophy of strengthening self-awareness that eases both the mind and body during moments of stress....

yoga meditation

19 Ways to Practice Yoga in an Environmentally Friendly Way

Practicing yoga involves physical, mental and spiritual practices. Part of the mental and spiritual practice is to be aware of the affects we have on the world that supports us. This is why so many teachers and practitioners of Yoga also practice the most sustainable and green lifestyle that they can. There are many ways that...

people practicing meditation

Daily Meditation Benefits & Techniques

Daily Meditation Benefits and Techniques! The benefits of daily meditation are varied and analysis has shown that with regular practice meditation might facilitate lower blood pressure, cut back stress, boost immune performance and improve mood with as little as twenty minutes practice on a daily basis. There are many various meditation techniques however all of them have one thing...

Vibrational Medicine- Crystal and Gemstone Elixirs

One of the simplest medicines used in the vibrational medicines are crystal and gemstone elixirs or essences. These elixirs, also known as gem remedies, gem tonics or gem drinks, are a combination of purified water, brandy and Vibrational Energy of a gemstone. They act as an interface between the anatomical and etheric levels of the body....


101 Benefits of Meditation

We live in the age of abundance. Most of the population are overworked, over stressed, or overweight, or over drugged and the list may be continued. Moreover, we live in the internet world and it’s no wonder that our minds are over saturated with information. We are constantly checking emails, blogs and various networks, absorbing us...

stres relief trough meditation

Stress Relief – A Requirement for Good Health

You’re heard it thousands of times, excess stress can destroy your health.  If you feel highly stressed, you must begin employing stress relief methods to protect your mental, physical, and emotional health. One of the most important techniques for stress relief is exercise.  You may have just groaned, but stop your moaning and groaning, and think...