Category: Improve memory

Nootropics: Drugs That Enhance Your Brain

Nootropics, smart drugs and cognitive enhancers are drugs, supplements, and other substances that are claimed to improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals. There is a pressing need for standardization and transparency principles for marketed cognitive-enhancers and their ingredients, as well as comprehensive data collection and analysis to provide scientific...

write notes

Never Forget Anything Again

I used to have a problem about forgetting things. I would think of things I needed to remember later, and I’d repeat them over and over until I thought they were there for good. Unfortunately, by the end of the day my mind would be tremendously cluttered up with all the things I was repeating, and...

teen reading

Learning to Remember What You Read

Oftentimes, trying to recall information we’ve read somewhere — even recently — is quite difficult. If you are tired of forgetting things you’ve read and would like to sharpen your ability to recall information, the following tips should help you. Stay Alert How often do you find yourself falling asleep with a book open on your...

listen music

Influencing Your Brain with Music

We’re all familiar with the situation where we get in a particular mood, and it makes us want to listen to a specific type of music. When you get bouncy and silly, you put on ABBA. When you just broke up with someone, you drown yourself in songs about heartache. It stands to reason that we...


Ways to Stack Brain Supplements

Stacking has been a typical practice on the planet of nutritional supplements and efficiency improvement for a long period. This practice has rollover into the world of cognitive improvement supplements that are now often utilized together in nootropic stacks. It is uncommon to use one nootropic brain booster on its these days given that the advantages...

brain food

5 Healthiest Foods For Keeping An Active Brain

  So many people put all the focus with their diet on the foods that are going to help them lose weight quickly and achieve best body health. But as you do so, you must not forget to take care of your brain health as well by eating foods that will supply all the vital nutrients...

healthy mind einstein

How to Keep a Healthy Mind After Retirement

According to WHO, being healthy is not merely the absence of disease; rather it is being in a position of good health in all aspects of life including mental, physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual. Unfortunately most people ignore the mental health and only get concerned when they get to be insane or know people who completely...

improve your memory

Improve Your Memory with Natural Foods

Tips and tricks to improve your memory Never forget someone’s name again! Memory champion Ron White sheds light on his memory strengthening techniques with Dr Oz,  how to easily improve your memory. Ron introduces brain supercharging foods to maximize your memory as well as a very simple, but challenging technique that gives your brain a mental...