Category: Pregnancy

Pregnancy and Bath Bombs | Are They Safe?

Pregnancy is one of the most sensitive times of a woman’s life. Every step is taken properly with complete precautions. However, it is all about new experiences and learning new things about life, and becoming closer to nature. Bath bombs are consumer products that have fragment extracts and oils. When you are pregnant, you think about...

4 Benefits of Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy

Every mother wants the best for their baby, which is why along with having a well-balanced diet and a good healthcare regime, you also need to address the various changes your body is going through. Pregnancy is difficult. You may experience numerous sensations and body aches all at once, which can take a toll on your...

pregnant woman

Pilates During Pregnancy

Pilates has grown into one of the most popular forms of exercise. Many use pilates to stay fit and healthy or to help with rehabilitation after an injury or strain. Pilates can increase your mobility, flexibility, strength, and overall body structure. Because of its relatively low impact on the body, many also consider it a safe...


6 Critical Birth Control Questions to Ask Yourself

Birth control puts you in control of your fertility, enabling you to choose when to have a child. But there are vast birth control methods available today, and you might not be sure which one best suits you. Worry no more. Lilian Schapiro, MD, and the team of women’s health practitioners at Ideal Gynecology can help...

Mother and Baby

Why Expecting Mothers Should Work With Medical Specialists

Expecting mothers are some of the most excited people in the world. As soon-to-be moms prepare to welcome their new baby into the world they have a lot to look forward to. However, with a newborn baby comes a significant batch of new responsibilities and not enough hours in the day to do it all. Babies...


Eating Healthy While Pregnant

You have come to the right place for pregnancy nutrition that can keep you and your soon-to-be-born baby healthy. Give your child a huge head start in life with a delicious and nutritious eating plan that centers on whole foods that offer you protein, vitamins, minerals, healthy types of fat, complex carbohydrates, fiber, and fluids. Let...