Category: Happiness


Well-being related to your time perspective

Your time may be the kind of glasses that you put on to look at the world around you. These glasses have three types of lenses: past, present and future. Are you a “here-and-now” person? Do you think that you’re stuck in the past sometimes? If you had the choice between work and leisure activities, would...


9 Ways to take care of yourself this summer

Summer offers a great opportunity for you to release the tension and give you well deserved rewards. It’s time for going to a picnic, feeling sand between your toes, sailing, splashing in the pool and for many other relaxing and refreshing adventures. Therapists recommend that you experience the following nine ways to nurture yourself (and have...


What is authentic happiness

Socrates, Aristotle and Plato thought that when people pursued a virtuous life, they would be authentically happy. Epicurus and utilitarian philosophers promoted the idea that happiness was an abundance of positive feelings and pleasure. Positive psychology has conceptualized authentic happiness as a mix of hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing (Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Hedonic happiness encompasses high...


Exercise cures depression

Sedentary lifestyle, a modern problem People are less active today, in part because technology has made our lives easier. Few of us still perform manual tasks or have a job involve physical exertion. All our activities are now much less demanding in terms of physical effort. Inactivity is a “silent killer”, actually. Sedentary behavior is very...

just married couple

Are Men Happier than Women?

A recent study from England shows that men are generally happier in life than women, especially in terms of physical appearance, physical condition and salary. Men are happier in life than women, particularly when it comes to their appearance, new research has found. A detailed study of 12 aspects of modern life has reached the conclusion...

Time to relax: 9 Ways to a Happy Body

The current busy corporate lifestyle has a negative effect on health in general. When our bodies aren’t in shape anymore and suffer the effects of stress, it is very hard to be happy. Those who work out, take care of their body and even reserve a time for relaxation involve not only their body, but also...

tips to waking up in the morning

6 Great Ways to Start Your Day

A healthy lifestyle begins each morning! The way you spend your mornings bring more positive energy for the rest of the day. In this article you will discover some specific healthy lifestyle habits that you can incorporate into your morning routine which will make you able to cope with daily stress. Try one or more of...