When and Why Should You Consider a Bariatric Surgery?
Over the past decades, obesity has become a global epidemic. As people gain progressively more weight, losing it in natural ways like exercising and dieting becomes significantly more difficult. Obesity can lead to a series of emotional and physical issues. Diabetes, joint issues, heart-related concerns are only some of the physical conditions that appear in obese patients. However, over the past few years, there appeared a debate over the term itself. What does it actually mean to be obese? A Gallup-Healthways Well-being Index research has shown that the obesity rates across the US raised from approximately 25% to almost 28% over a 12-month interval. But what can we do to address this worldwide epidemic?
Many experts advise exercising and dieting, but in some advanced obesity cases, these are not enough and in some of the cases, even useless. But let’s learn more about obesity, when and why should one consider getting a weight loss surgery.
Obesity: What Is It?
Over the past decades, obesity rates have been steadily proliferating. The vulgar and over-simplified definition of obesity is carrying enough body fat to put one’s health at risk. These health ailments include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, pulmonary disease, reproductive disorders, cancer and hypertension, to name just a few. The psychological toll is also significant in obese patients’ case.
Traditionally, obesity is determined depending on the Body Mass Index, or BMI, for short. In adults, a BMI of 25 or higher indicates an overweight individual, while a BMI of 30 or higher indicates an obese person.
In children’s and teens’ case, however, this formula is not suitable to determine their BMI. In this category, the formula is gender and age-specific, as girls and boys have different developmental patterns, thus, weights. For them, a child and teen BMI calculator, is more suitable.
Obesity: Causes
Obesity is mainly caused by unhealthy eating patterns. Today, unhealthy food is more accessible and processed foods are easier and faster to prepare. Today, the average human is eating 200 more calories daily, then we did 50 years ago.
Technology has made us become progressively inactive and adopt a sedentary lifestyle. Easy access to private transportation means has also decreased the amount of time spent exercising on a daily basis.
We “enjoy” all the necessary coordinates that lead to weight gain. There is no wonder that obesity has become a worldwide concern.
When and Why Should You Consider Getting a Bariatric Surgery?
As previously mentioned, there is high comorbidity in obese patients’ case. Heart conditions, diabetes, joint issues and reproductive disorders make the lives of these patients increasingly dangerous. When multiple conditions like these accumulate in a patient, losing weight, although it is indicated by health professionals, becomes more difficult. In this case, when comorbidity and an unhealthy lifestyle install, there should be taken additional steps to regain a healthy lifestyle. Weight loss surgeries are the fastest and most secure way of losing weight and eliminating the yo-yo effect that usually appears in dieting.
What Should I Expect Before My Bariatric Surgery?
To get a weight loss surgery, you first have to visit a professional clinic. The experts at the clinic will assess, based on a complex and detailed process, if you are a good candidate for such interventions. But once you get admitted for one, you can be certain that your life will take an amazing turn.
Generally, people think that they can always decide to have a bariatric surgery. In reality, a team of dieticians and surgeons will assess your general health, including BMI, and decide if you are a good candidate for such interventions. However, insurance companies require each candidate to try to lose weight by exercising and dieting first, before considering a surgery of this kind.
Your doctor may also ask you lose weight before the surgery. First, due to medical concerns. They cannot perform surgery on severely obese patients due to the high risk of complications in their case. Second, the medical staff will most likely want to see that you are committed to losing weight. Various clinics that specialize in bariatric surgery in Israel claim that this is the standard requirement before admitting a patient for bariatric surgeries.
Generally, if the patient has a BMI of 40 or higher, but they’re otherwise healthy, the weight loss surgery should be urgently performed. In case the patient has a BMI of 35 or higher and also suffers from other health concerns, a thorough set of screenings is mandatory before the surgery.
Types of Bariatric Surgeries
During the consultation process, the medical team will explain each type of bariatric surgery available, but also which is the most appropriate for their own case. There are four types of surgeries that you should be familiar with.
- Adjustable Gastric Band – this is also known as lap-band and is the simplest intervention like this. A pouch is created inside the patient’s stomach which restricts the amount of food intake tolerated by the stomach.
- Sleeve Gastrectomy – commonly known as a gastric band, is the procedure in which the stomach is reshaped to resemble a sleeve: long and narrow. This procedure will also restrict the volume of food ingested.
- Gastric Bypass – is also another weight loss surgery in which the surgeon divides the stomach into two compartments. This also restricts the food intake.
- Duodenal switch with biliopancreatic diversion – in this procedure, a large part of the stomach is removed, resulting in similar effects.
Benefits of Weight Loss Surgeries
The health benefits associated with bariatric surgeries are multiple, generally revolving around eliminating some of the most severe conditions associated with being obese.
- Long-term remission for type II diabetes;
- Better cardiovascular health;
- A better mood and mental state;
- Weight loss surgeries eliminate sleep apnea;
- Joint pain relief;
- Improved fertility and reproductive functions;
- Alleviate other medical conditions associated with being obese.
Obesity shouldn’t be a lifestyle. Obesity prevents sufferers from enjoying the simple pleasures that life has to offer, from walking pain-free to having children and being in a continuous positive mental state. When exercising and dieting fail, bariatric surgeries should definitely be considered as a reliable and effective solution.