Types And Strains Of HIV Virus

There are currently about 1.2 million cases of Human Immunodeficiency Virus “HIV” in the United States, according to Clinical Info HIV.gov. From the approximately 1.2 million HIV cases, only 13% are aware of their conditions. The American medical community encourages individuals who live high-risk lifestyles to get tested for HIV.

Specific populations are at a high risk of developing HIV. High-risk lifestyles may entail frequent unprotected sexual encounters. Medical experts continue to believe bisexual and gay (gay males) communities are at a higher risk. These communities have an extended history of unprotected sexual relations.

Fortunately, the percentage of new HIV cases reportedly declined by 8 percent (3,000), dropping from 37,800 to 34,800 between 2015 and 2019. Experts describe the 4-year time frame as being “stable.” The same year (2019), medical communities across the United States reported 36,801 new cases of HIV. According to statistics, the Southern part of the nation reported more new cases of HIV than the North, East, and West.

Western Africa Impacted Most

Central and Western Africa report around 4.9 million HIV cases. Of these cases, approximately 4,480,000 are adults, the remainder (420,000) are children. 1.4 percent of the 4.9 million cases of HIV are adult HIV-1, which is slightly lower than the cases in Southern and East Africa. 7.1 percent of cases have been reported in Equatorial Genuinea, compared to Mauritania’s 0.2 percent.

Both HIV-1 and HIV-2 spread through fluids generated by the human body – blood, male semen, female vaginal secretion or discharge, blood, and breast milk. However, it is believed HIV-2 spreads at a much slower pace, as compared to that of HIV-1. The slower spread progression may contribute to the lower percentage of HIV-2 cases worldwide, including Western Africa.

Commonality Of HIV Subtypes

It is common knowledge, HIV-1 Group M has 9 subtypes, ranging from “A” to “K.” Each HIV-1 Group M subtype has unique variances, which may have an impact on the manner of how the disease spreads from person to person.

Main Configurations Of HIV

Although individuals can encounter many more, two primary HIV types impact people across the world. These two primary types include HIV-1 and HIV-2. Although both impact residents of your area, the most frequently diagnosed is HIV-1. One unique factor is the fact that 2 is not nearly as infectious. Due to this unique characteristic, HIV-2 is less frequently diagnosed in people everywhere. Still, both versions are common so readers must research to educate themselves regarding each HIV type.

Furthermore, understand that this condition may mutate and evolve over a period so it may eventually belong to one of many subgroups. In some environments, patients can access innovative testing tools that confirm the patient’s type and subtype. Unfortunately, such tools aren’t accessible around the planet. Consult with a licensed, qualified medical professional in your region to discover what testing procedures are available there.

Quantity Of HIV Strains

Ultimately, medical professionals and patients must fully understand the various strains of HIV. Although researchers may eventually identify more, there are in excess of 60 strains of HIV-1 around the planet. The unique strains tend to deviate from one region to another. Also, multiple stains could target one individual causing a combination of two epidemic strains. It is correctly referred to as recombinant. The strains impacting individuals in your area vary in other areas so discuss this with a medical professional.

A licensed medical professional will teach you more about epidemic strains in your area and their impact on the patient’s body. Learn more at Kangaroo.

1 Vs 2

While both are similar versions of the common HIV virus, you can discover numerous differences. Today and around the world, the HIV-1 type is the predominant condition. Recent studies and researches confirm that 1 is responsible for at least 90 percent of new diagnoses. Nevertheless, HIV-2 has several interesting characteristics including the fact it is considered more than 50% distinct genetically. Still, this variety of HIV is far less common than its counterpart but it can frequently be found in West Africa.

Furthermore, the version has been identified in other nearby areas. One different setting HIV-1 and 2 apart is the progression rate. In most situations, HIV-2 progresses much at a significantly slower rate than its counterpart. Nevertheless, it too can lead to the development of AIDS and eventually death. Patients may have to consume common antiretroviral medications to combat the condition, but certain drugs are ineffective.

NNRTIs tend to work great for the treatment of HIV-1, but these solutions are ineffective for the treatment of HIV-2. Patients must identify and use other treatments to correctly manage the problem for many months to come.

Understanding Groups Belonging To HIV-1

Readers should fully understand that HIV-1 is a complex medical condition. One unique characteristic of the condition is the fact that it has several offshoots or subgroups. The various strains of the medical condition are carefully classified into four unique groups. Despite being numerous groups, M is the primary one. It tends to impact the largest group of consumers around the world. M is considered major and causes most of the diagnoses around the world. Other HIV groups that frequently target consumers include N, O, and P. Nevertheless, these groups are far less common when compared to M.

Group O is indeed very common depending on the area in question. It accounts for at least five percent of all infections in specific African countries. Regardless of the unique HIV group, the condition is diagnosed using conventional antibody tests used to identify HIV-1. Discover more about the unique varieties of HIV to fully understand the condition impacting your health.

Understanding Common Treatments Against HIV 1

Patients suffering from HIV-1 conditions must find ways to treat it swiftly or they will suffer and perish. Ultimately, the medical ailment is primarily combated using antiretroviral medications. The innovative medications are incredibly reliable due to their ability to stop the HIV virus from producing additional cells. Using these medications religiously can make a noticeable difference while dropping the patient’s viral load immensely.

Bottom Line Regarding HIV Strains

Patients and suspected patients need to gain more understanding regarding the various strains and types of the HIV virus. Failing to fully comprehend these strains could cause misconceptions and other problems. Therefore, don’t delay communicating with a qualified professional who can educate you regarding the various strains. After comprehensively understanding the condition, you’ll know how to correctly treat and manage the specific HIV strain impacting your body. Remember to analyze and study the aforementioned information to learn more about the HIV strain you have.

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