Top 6 Ways to Detect if You Have Periodontal Disease

dental health

Gum disease is one of the common oral health complications affecting many American adults today. But the condition can be effectively managed, particularly when it is caught at an early stage. That is why you should look for dentistry in Roslyn that specializes in managing the condition to restore the health of your gums. The following tips can help you detect gum disease and know when to seek help. Follow through.

Know the Causes of Gum Disease

Gum disease starts with the deposition of a slimy substance (plaque) around the teeth. Plaque is the medium where the harmful bacteria from colonies thrive, and these bacteria produce acids that affect the gums and damage the tooth enamel. While plaque is a transparent layer and sometimes cannot be noticed, regular flossing can help remove the film from below your gum line. However, if you have tartar, a hardened plaque, it can only be removed with professional cleaning.

Learn the Different Types of Gum Disease

Gum disease not only causes your teeth to loosen or decay but can also affect the gums. Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease. In contrast, periodontitis affects the jaw bones and is more serious, causing other severe complications and involves a complex process.  For example, it can be mutilating for you if you lose your teeth in about two years. If you have periodontitis, you need urgent medical attention, as it can lead to tooth loss if not treated early.  Gingivitis, on the other hand, can only be fully diagnosed by a professional as the symptoms may be mild.

Check for Bleeding Signs when Brushing or Flossing

Bleeding of gums when brushing is the primary indicator of periodontal disease and should not be ignored. The absence of pain during bleeding may cause you to delay treatment which might have prevented more severe problems. Remember that periodontitis can affect healthy teeth in the absence of and can make you avoid going to the dentist. Therefore, be careful to observe additional symptoms like bleeding when you brush and floss.

Examine Any Abnormality in Your Gums

The signs of gum disease are shown through swollen, spongy, red, or purple gums that are irritated. Gums that bulge or protrude around your teeth can also be a sign of gum disease, for healthy ones are pale pink, not red or purple. Additionally, teeth that have more roots exposed may result from your gums receding due to loss of bone and could also be a sign of gum disease, which might indicate that it is periodontitis.

Keep Record of Any Tooth or Gum Pain While Eating

In the early stages, pain is less common, but as your gums recede, the roots of your teeth are exposed; therefore, you may experience greater sensitivity to changes in temperature. When eating, if your bite feels different, your teeth might not fit together in the same way as they get loose, which may indicate gum disease. New spaces between your teeth may not only affect your aesthetic looks or eating but also indicate a loosening of your teeth, thus requiring you to pay close attention.

Close Attention to Your Breath

Experiencing continuous unpleasant tastes or bad smells can indicate you have gum disease. Although you may not realize this by yourself, you can tell from others’ compliments. Some people can tell you about it while you speak to them or you can ask your friends if you do not mind.

Whether you have suspicious symptoms indicating you might have gum disease, only an experienced medical expert can make an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, reach out to ToothDocs today and book your appointment. Your provider will evaluate your symptoms and advise you accordingly.

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