The Rice Diet Solution for All People Who Love This
The Rice Diet Solution consecrated by Dr. Walter Kempner was initially used in 1939 to treat obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and kidney disease. But even if the low-sodium diet plan was especially created for patients with kidney disease to help lower blood pressure, it works very good to help you lose weight.
If you are planning to follow the Rice Diet, you can lose 20-30 pounds the first month, and 2.5-3.5 pounds per week in the later phases, but you have to limit the consumption of salt, sugar, fat, and processed foods. The plan is also a very low-calorie, high-complex carbohydrate, low-protein diet.
The main food of the diet is rice
But there are other 30 foods included in the list of foods available: whole-grain starches, low-sodium beans, fruits, vegetables, nonfat dairy and very lean protein sources.
The Rice Diet consists of a severely structured eating plan, as follows:
Week1: On the first day, make sure that you consume 800 calories only from two servings of starches and two servings of fruit for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
For the next 6 days, the diet allows 1,100 calories and 300 mg of sodium per day. For breakfast each day, eat toast, one in-season fruit and one nonfat yogurt. For lunch and dinner, you can eat three starches, like rice and toast or pasta, three in-season vegetables and one in-season fruit.
Week2: During the next seven days of the week, adjust your breakfast meal plan to accommodate one serving each of starch, fruit and a non-fat dairy. A single dairy serving could be a cup of low-fat yogurt or a cup of skim milk. For lunch and dinner, eat three servings each of starches and vegetables and one serving of fruit. If you prefer to eat your vegetables raw, eat one cup. If you wish to cook your veggies, 1/2 cup should be able to suffice.
The next phase is the maintenance phase. You start out with 1,200 calories per day and 500 mg sodium. Then you increase your intake by approximately 200 additional calories a week until your weight loss stops. On the first day you eat the Basic Rice Diet. The second, third, and fourth days you eat the Lacto Vegetarian Rice Diet. The next two days you eat the Vegetarian Plus Rice Diet. Then you repeat this series.
Serving sizes are as follows:
– 1 starch: 1 slice of bread, 1/3 cup cooked rice or beans, or 1/2 cup cooked pasta.
– 1 Fruit: 1 medium piece of fruit other than banana, 1/2 banana, or 1 cup cut up fruit.
– 1 Vegetable: 1 cup uncooked or 1/2 cup cooked.
– 1 Dairy: 1 cup milk, 1 cup yogurt, or 1/2 cup cottage cheese.
The Rice Diet Solution will cause weight loss due to its very low calorie content, but because is so strict it’s hard to cannot sustain it the program for a long time. Anyone with medical conditions or who needs to rapidly drop pounds may want to give this plan a try, but they shouldn’t do anything without an approval from their physician.
Rice Diet, weight loss, low-sodium diet plan