The Key To The Perfect Selfie Smile: Invisalign Treatments For Adults


Invisalign is incredibly simple. It is transparent and light. It looks nothing like the intimidating braces we typically see on kids and even adults. That begs the question – does Invisalign work?

When you hear about Invisalign, you are likely to wonder if it delivers what it promises. After all, it is JUST plastic. How can it align something firm and hard like teeth? Overbites, overcrowding, and cross-bites demand a dentist’s attention. It is only fair to expect cost, painful and somewhat invasive treatments for treating crooked and misaligned teeth, especially in late adulthood. It is indeed difficult to believe that “plastic trays” can give you that perfect smile you have always cherished. Keep reading to find out how it works to straighten teeth and provide the wearers with a perfect smile.

What is Invisalign treatment suitable for?

One of the most common beliefs we have to deal with every day is that Invisalign only works for minor dental issues. While it is the perfect solution for slight overbites and misalignments, it is safe to say it has the power to solve some of the more severe issues just like traditional metal braces. Invisalign can correct minor to moderate, and some severe dental complains. Therefore, modern experts of dentistry often recommend Invisalign treatment for corrected gapped teeth, crowding and turned teeth in young adults and adults.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign looks like clear plastic because it is precisely that. These are customized clear plastic trays that perfectly fit your teeth. Experts take precise measurements of your teeth to create 3-D models of the same. Invisalign creates 3-D printed clear plastic dental trays that you need to wear regularly throughout the straightening period. Since the company develops each aligner from the 3-D imprint of a person’s teeth, the retainer comes in a ready-to-wear form. You may need to wear the retainer for two weeks to a month before the dentist takes another 3-D imprint of your teeth (since its alignment has changed) to create another retainer for the next few weeks. To learn more about the duration of Invisalign treatment, visit your nearest dental clinic for Invisalign St Pual MN.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign works by pushing teeth to a straighter alignment. Each aligner tray pushes the teeth by a quarter of a millimeter. 0.25 mm sounds like a small change, but you may have to wear between eight and ten retainers during the period of one year for straightening your teeth. The movement of teeth from Invisalign treatment can vary considerably depending on the issue. Most people require only a few months of Invisalign treatment, while many require treatments for up to one or two years. When you choose a dentist in St Paul, MN, find out if he or she works with Invisalign to create proper treatment plans for the patient.

What does Invisalign treat?

As we have mentioned before, Invisalign helps several problems including –

  • Crooked teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Overcrowding
  • Open bite
  • Gaps between teeth

The efficiency of Invisalign does not depend upon your encounters with orthodontics before. You may never have had braces, fillings or implants, yet Invisalign will work for you marvelously. On the other hand, it is an excellent teeth straightening solution for those, who have had braces before.

Invisalign can treat myriads of dental issues irrespective of the age of the patient. Dentists typically recommend Invisalign therapy for teens and adults, who are conscious about their appearance. Since the cost is similar to traditional braces, many adults and youngsters are now opting for Invisalign instead.

What happens during Invisalign treatment?

After people learn about the efficiency of Invisalign and its method of working, the first question people ask is – what happens during the treatment?

It is understandable that your teeth will become straighter over the next few weeks and months. As your teeth gradually change alignment, you will move from one set of aligners to another. Each time, your dentist will take new measurements and create a 3-D “map” of your teeth, and gums, and then send it to Invisalign. The frequency of changing the retainer trays will depend upon your treatment plan.

However, when you are wearing the retainer, be sure to stick to good dental habits. Brushing twice a day and flossing are mandatory. You should take off the aligners while brushing, and flossing. Do not eat with the aligners in your mouth. After eating, clean your teeth properly before putting the aligner in. You should wear them for 20 to 23 hours per day. Therefore, unless you rinse your mouth correctly each morning, night and after every meal, you are likely to develop foul breath! Always remain in touch with your dental care expert in St Paul, Mn during the treatment.

Can anyone opt for Invisalign treatment?

Not every individual is a great candidate for Invisalign treatment. Firstly, you should check if your insurance covers Invisalign treatment. Most advanced dental plans include this treatment. Secondly, you need to talk to your dentist in St Paul to find out if Invisalign treatment will help you. In some cases of severe misalignment of the upper and lower jaws, 3-D printed plastic trays or aligners are not as effective as metal braces and elastics would be. Invisalign might take more sittings and more time than the traditional treatment. There are cases when dentists do not recommend Invisalign treatment for young children. Since the retainers are removable and virtually invisible, children are likely to remove them and forget about them for days. It can set the treatment plan back by days, if not weeks.

Invisalign treatment is a serious commitment that requires the adopting of good dental hygiene. Therefore, you should consider it only if you are ready to give your treatment the time it deserves. The duration of Invisalign treatment varies between individuals depending on their dental issues, the strength of the bone and much more. While it is easy to say that the average Invisalign treatment takes close to a year, your treatment plan can be of six months or even two years depending upon the complexities involved.

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