The Fifty Year Old Jogger
I am a fifty year old jogger who has been beating the hard pavement for nigh over twenty years. Things have changed. My body is not the same. My knees tell a story which I want to share with you.
Need for food supplements – There was a time when I could live and jog on fresh air and plain love. With time my definition of love has changed and frankly I am now used to hogging some real food. I realize that as I age, my body requires additional dose of nutrients because the body metabolism is no longer the same. Earlier I used to think that my youth will last forever. But my good old wife soon put things in perspective – you need someone to give it straight. If you are a long distance guy like me, you need stuff like Diet to Go and Bistro MD to supplement your diet. I use some coupon discounts to save a bit here and there. Each body is unique and your physician will tell you which supplements your body requires. But never ignore the fact that you do need something extra other than your normal diet.
Nothing to beat jogging – Diet itself is not enough. You need to get your body out and running at least four times a week. There is a thrill and excitement in jogging which is incomparable. I pity the guys slogging it out on a treadmill – why do you think they call it a treadmill? It is just that. It is boring, dull, uninspiring and a killjoy. Go out into the open; enjoy the fresh breeze, the feel of wet grass under your feet and the great scenery. Jogging is sheer joy and a complete exercise for the mind and body. The adrenalin which you pump up is good for other things – it peps up your sex life. So, you get a good bit of exercise during the day and a great romp in bed in the night. Now who can ask for more? You need not search for coupon codes and coupon discounts – jogging is free.
A time to think – I get all my ideas when I am jogging. Jogging kind of jogs my mind too. Maybe it is the blood flowing through my brain or the feeling of exhilaration, ideas start flowing thick and fast. I make sure that I record all the stuff which I play back later- grist for writing. Archimedes may have cried ‘eureka’ in his bathtub but to me eureka moment happens when I am at it – I mean jogging.
Best of both worlds – After having lived more than half a decade, I have realized that ultimate goal of life is contentment and a life free from illness. There must be fun in your exercise, taste in your diet and joy in your life. Your steps must have bounce, words must have weight and life must have balance. Your knees may complain and groan like mine, but life must go on.
Author Bio
Adrian B. makes a living from selling weight loss programs. He also writes for blogs especially those that share Diet to Go coupons and Bistro MD discounts.