Should You Go See a Doctor? 5 Types of Discharge During Pregnancy and What It Means
Pregnancy is the most sensitive period that you can go through as you prepare to become a mom. This is the time they become more concerned about certain changes in some parts of their body wondering what’s normal and what’s not. And vaginal discharge is one of the major concerns. This may vary in frequency, amount, and thickness during pregnancy. Now, if you’re wondering whether to visit your doctor or not, please read on to learn the 5 common types of vaginal discharge during pregnancy and their meaning.
- Light Yellow and Watery Discharge
Experiencing a continuous trickle of clear or light yellow and watery discharge during your pregnancy could mean either amniotic fluid or urine. Most pregnant women experience involuntary loss of urine, more so during the later stages when the womb has grown to the level of pressing on the bladder. But you may hardly differentiate between amniotic fluid and urine on your underwear. You’re more likely to experience frequent contractions during this period which may make you nervous and the need to visit your doctor each and every time. But this is not necessary anymore, thanks to advancements in technology. Now you can track your own contractions using a smart tracker. For instance, Bloomlife can automatically time and count contractions.
- Yellow or Green Discharge
If you notice a dark yellow or green discharge accompanied by itching and burning and that has a strong, unpleasant odor, you need to see a doctor. Such signs are normally associated with vaginal infections such as trichomoniasis or bacterial vaginosis. It is very important that you get immediate medical treatment should you experience such symptoms to avoid risks of low birth weight and preterm labor.
- White Discharge
You’re more likely to experience leukorrhea during pregnancy – a white, thin, and odorless discharge. This discharge is not dangerous at all. And it occurs due to a number of reasons. During this period, your body releases high amounts of estrogen and your cervix also frequently creates more mucus essential for pregnancy protection. There will also be an increase in blood flow to your vaginal walls. These are the main factors explaining the presence of the white discharge.
- Clumpy White Discharge
If you notice a thick and clumpy discharge, it is not leukorrhea. It normally occurs when there’s a presence of yeast, but it’s not to mean that you’re having a yeast infection. Various studies have shown that about 25% of pregnant women are prone to experience vaginal yeast overgrowth. So, unless you experience itching and/or burning, there’s no cause for panic and rushing to your doctor.
- Brown or Red Discharge
Red blood or brown discharge is very abnormal and you need to consult your doctor should you experience such. This condition can be caused by various factors and complications due to pregnancy may not be among these factors. Sometimes this kind of discharge could be a sign of cervical or uterine cancer. But assuming is not the best call here. You need to visit a certified medical professional to advise you on the next steps to take.
You’re more likely to experience an increase in the vaginal discharge during pregnancy which goes on for the better part of the period. Ensure to consult your healthcare provider every time you experience abnormal vaginal discharge like painful bleeding or spotting that extends through the day. Look out for relevant themed blogs to learn more about pregnancy and how to track your contractions.