Diet Ethics | - Act Right - Get Strong Live long
Babies aren’t like new toys or fancy gadgets that come with a full set of operating instructions. There is no baby manual to help new parents figure it all out. Even though raising a kid may be one of the most difficult jobs out there, there really isn’t a whole lot a parent can do except...
Old fashioned hair care solutions have a long history of getting hair squeaky clean, without causing dryness or damage. Low Porosity Natural Hair? Checkout the Kinky Curly Solutions Starting with the basics means starting clean. For your hair, that means saying good bye to shampoos and conditioners and cleaning your hair with chemical-free ingredients. You might...
Have you ever walked through a grocery store and noticed a shopper staring down at the nutritional facts of two products and comparing the two? Some things are easy for us to see immediately: serving size, the calories, and the total fat, but what does this all mean? Serving Size One thing that people often fail...
Crunches, planks, sit ups… all of this exercising and you still have that stubborn flab that just doesn’t seem to want to leave your midsection! Do not lose hope. You are building muscle – it’s just being covered up under a layer of fat. Getting rid of fat can’t be done by exercising alone. One must...
You’re heard it thousands of times, excess stress can destroy your health. If you feel highly stressed, you must begin employing stress relief methods to protect your mental, physical, and emotional health. One of the most important techniques for stress relief is exercise. You may have just groaned, but stop your moaning and groaning, and think...
When ever anyone mentions long, strong, elegant fingernails, French nails tend to be the first image that comes to mind. Frenc hnails are characterized by those clean, white tips and pretty pink nail beds that are smooth, round, and absolutely impeccable. Visit any salon or beauty store these days, however, and you’ll soon realize just how...
If you have a double chin, there’s a good chance that you are dying to get rid of it. The difficult thing about double chins is that even the thinnest of people can develop a double chin. Having that excess flab hanging off under your chin makes a big difference in how you look – and...
Liposuction, also known to some as lipoplasty or “suction-assisted lipectomy” is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is well known for sucking the fat out of certain areas of our body. Any where there may be a fat deposit under the skin, liposuction may be the best course of action to take to remove it. This is...