If your kids plan to partake in Halloween celebrations this year, here are a few tips to help you allow them to have fun while staying safe.
1. Adult Supervision
If you don’t feel that your children are old enough to Trick or Treat on their own, ensure that a reliable and responsible adult you trust can accompany them if you can’t go with your kids. Keeping your children safe should be your number one priority and, although they may grumble about it, do not allow your children to push you letting them go alone if you aren’t comfortable with that.
If they are old enough to go out alone, make sure they stay in a group of kids. There’s safety in numbers!
2. Watch for Trick-or-Treat Friendly Homes
If a house doesn’t have any lights on, avoid trick-or-treating at those homes. Many people do not celebrate Halloween, and it’s not a good idea to ignore such a blatant sign. If they have any type of Halloween decoration in their yard, that’s also a safe bet to assume they are probably in the spirit of the holiday and will welcome trick or treaters. Use your judgment!
3. Remain Visible
Many children’s costumes are dark colored, and it’s important that others on the street can see your child. Make them carry a glowstick or use reflective tape so your child can be seen by other pedestrians and vehicles.
Additionally, try to avoid masks and instead paint their faces so they can still look just as spooky but can see much better.
4. Stay on the Porch
If you are going with your children, do not allow them to enter someone’s home to get their candy. If they are going alone, instruct your kids that they may get their candy on the front porch but are not allowed to enter anyone’s home no matter how nice that person may seem.
5. Say No to Halloween Pranks
If you are unable to go trick or treating with your kids, have a serious conversation with them about pulling any pranks. Throwing eggs at houses or being mean to animals or other children might seem fun at the time, but there are serious consequences. Let your kids know that that behavior can not only be illegal, but that you will not tolerate it either.
6. Candy Check
While there are very few incidences of a child being injured because of their Halloween candy, it’s still a good idea to check out their haul after a long night of Trick or Treating. If any candy looks like it has been taken out of its original wrapper or has been tampered with in any way, immediately discard it. Better safe than sorry!
These are some of the basic and most essential safety tips to keep your kids healthy and happy this Halloween. Follow these rules, but above all let your children have fun in a safe way!