Jump into Juicing With These 5 Delicious and Easy Recipes
Juicing has become one of the most popular trends due to all the health benefits. Famous celebrities like Salma Hayek, Beyonce, and others love juicing.
If you want to get on the juicing trend, all you need are some great juicing recipes and you will begin to notice the difference in your body.
Let’s get juicing.
Health Benefits of the Ingredients
Before you get started on your juicing journey, you should know what each ingredient can do to promote your health.
Most of these ingredients can fit into the diet of those who have dietary restrictions.
What if you’re in ketosis? Well, Kegenix has a great post that will teach you how to do it.
Cucumbers are great for detoxifying since they’re mostly water. They also promote liver and kidney function.
Lemons are rich in vitamin C and taste great.
Carrots are high in fiber, vitamin K, potassium, and carotene. They can also help lower cholesterol and improve overall eye health.
Aside from being low on calories, kale is great to help prevent arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. It can also help prevent inflammation and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Ginger helps build a strong immune system. It also helps with digestion.
Do you know the saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor a day.” Those who don’t like going to the doctor can benefit from incorporating apples into their juice.
Apples also help with overall heart health and inflammation.
1. Citrus Juice and Carrot
If you care about your eye health, then the carrots in this juice will keep your eyes healthy. This juice will be full of vitamin C, A, and beta-carotene, not too mention it has a great taste.
Combine the following ingredients:
1 lemon
8 or 9 chopped carrots
2. Pear Juice and Cucumber
Pear and cucumber are a tasty combination. This juice on top of having Vitamin C and K, it will keep you hydrated.
1 pear
1 lemon
1 cup of spinach
A handful of mint leaves
3. Apple Juice, Kale, and Parsley
Parsley is full of vitamin C, A, and folic acid. It’s also packed with antioxidants. Although they might seem like odd ingredients,
Get your juicer out and blend these ingredients:
Handful of parsley
3 large apples of your preference
1 cup of kale
2 lemons
1 cucumber
4. Carrot Juice and Ginger
The ginger in the juice will help you with your digestion and will even calm nausea. And the carrots will help your eye health.
Get these ingredients ready:
2 oranges
4 chopped carrots
1-inch of fresh ginger
5. Pineapple and Kale Juice
This juice is packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, and beta-carotene. You will also get a great serving of calcium.
To make this great juice you need the following ingredients:
1 lemon
1 cucumber
5 cups of washed kale
1 cup of pineapple
Try These Juicing Recipes
These juicing recipes will get you started. All of the ingredients in this list are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, calcium, and detoxifying ingredients.
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