Is Your Child Being Desensitized?

In a world of interactive gaming, internet junkies, and outrageous advertisement gimmicks isn’t it time to open our eyes, as parents, and look at the world through younger, more venerable eyes? To do this is to begin to understand what our kids see in this confusing world. There is violence, murder, rape, and torturous acts all over the television and not to mention the video games that our children play.

Is Your Child Being Desensitized?

Even though we may not like to play with video game systems it pays to know what, and how, our children use these interactive tools. The scary truth is that we cannot shield our children from the world that is outside the walls of our home. We raise them in hopes of doing the best we can to prepare them for everyday situations they may encounter, good or bad. Unfortunately, there is a progressive trend in violence and desensitization of that violence flooding the world. Not only are everyday citizens becoming fearful and scared in a general census but they are becoming more and more violent as the years progress. This comes full-circle to affect our cities, streets, and neighborhoods.

One person may not be able to affect, or change, the entire world but we can control the violence we allow inside of our homes. The number one attribute in child/teen violence is example. Violence is learned, and because of this, a major culprit for desensitization is the rapid use of violent video games. Not everyone who plays violent games becomes violent or desensitized to violence, but younger children are quickly influenced, and more adaptive, to and by their environment.

If a child already has feelings of anger, or hopelessness, the affects of visual violence can be even more stringent. As a parent you must begin early to be the preventative foundation for your child when it comes to video game violence. Begin by limiting the use your child has with all video games. The more attractive the video games are to them the more their taste in games will broaden and eventually reach violent, benumbing games. Preview any game your child requests as a gift or asks to rent. Try looking up the game manufacturer online, or talk to a video game store clerk about the theme and level of adult content in a game you are considering for your child. There are ratings on video games, as with DVD’s, so be aware of their meanings, the letter-code rating systems for games do not correspond to DVD rating codes. “M” is for Mature.

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