Incredible Benefits of Chewing Gum

chewing gum

For many people, chewing gum is a way to keep their breath fresh or just a way to savor a sweet taste while walking, working, or passing away time.

Not many of those who love chewing gum actually know there are lots of benefits associated with it.

We cannot deny the fact that just like with basically every other thing we do, excessive gum chewing can lead to certain problems such as migraines in teenagers.

However, several scientific studies have consistently established a link between gum chewing and certain amazing benefits.

These benefits are only possible when gum chewing is done in moderation.

So let’s take a look at mind-blowing benefits that come with popping gum into your mouth and giving it a chew.

  1. It Improves Saliva Flow

Dry mouth results from an insufficient flow of saliva in the mouth and this can lead to a myriad of symptoms including difficulty in talking, eating or drinking due to severe discomfort.

This can be a side-effect of the use of antihistamine medications.

One of the ways you can effectively deal with this condition is the chewing of gum.

  1. Prevention of Tooth Decay

According to Advanced Dental Concepts, gum chewing can help in the prevention of tooth decay.

The saliva serves different purposes in our mouth. It helps prevent mouth dryness and discomfort, and also in the removal of food remains and bacteria that are capable of causing tooth decay.

Also, the saliva contains calcium and fluoride that reinforce the tooth enamel. How then does gum chewing come in? When you chew gum, the flow of your saliva is improved, and this helps prevent tooth decay.

  1. Memory Improvement

As unbelievable as this may sound, chewing gum can actually enhance different facets of brain activity including memory, alertness, comprehension and decision making, according to the results of several studies.

While chewing gum could be distracting at the initial stage of a task, studies have shown that it could actually aid focus in the long run.

Some studies found that chewing gum is only beneficial in the first fifteen minutes of an activity.

  1. Weight Loss

If you have been trying to lose weight, then chewing gum might just you the extra spice you need. We put on weight when we consume more calories than we expend.

This is why the goal of diet planning during weight loss is to consume lesser amounts of calories as possible. But how do you consume fewer calories when you always have an appetite for sugary foods?

Chewing gum can be an indirect answer as it helps you satisfy your craving for sweet food without stuffing your diet with calories due to its low-calorie value.

It also helps reduce your appetite, and this could help control overeating.

  1. Helps Relief Heartburn Symptoms

Heartburn can be agonizing, and the discovery that chewing gum can help bring relief is incredible.

Once the saliva secreted from gum chewing gets to the stomach, it levels the stomach acid concentration.

It also prevents the acid from escaping the stomach, thus helping in the prevention of heartburn.

Relief can be gotten from heartburn symptoms after about thirty minutes to three hours of chewing gum.

For optimum result, sugar-free gum us advised.

  1. Control of Bad Breath

No one wants to walk around conversing with a bad breath.

It’s very embarrassing and discomforting.

Chewing gum aids in saliva secretion and ensures that you have saliva in your mouth at any given point in time. Since saliva washes away bacteria from your mouth, having a good saliva flow will definitely reduce the bacteria population in your mouth.

With chewing gum, the person’s breath is not only changed to that of the gum flavor, but the reduced bacteria population also leads to a change in the person’s breath from foul to fresh.

You can now see that chewing gum is very helpful in helping us maintain fresh breath at any time of the day.

  1. It Can Help Improve Digestion

Chewing gum aids saliva flow which, in turn, helps in the swallowing of food and in the activation of certain digestive processes like bile and enzymes flow.

Although the role gum chewing plays in digestion is not direct, its effect on the process is nevertheless beneficial.

Chewing gum after meals set these processes in motion, preventing indigestion.

  1. It Helps Control Certain Addictions

When you are trying to give up a habit such as smoking, it can be very difficult, especially as withdrawal symptoms set in.

One way to control possible cigarette cravings is by chewing gum.

Chewing gum can also help you resist cravings for certain foods you want to avoid eating.

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