How to Manage Your Expectations During a Gender Reveal
It is so exciting to discover the sex of your child while they are not yet born. That is why the obstetricians and gynecologists at Women First GYN offer extraordinary gender reveal in Chesapeake to give you a wonderful experience and create lasting memories for you. But you might be having your expectations as you go for the ultrasound, which can affect mental and emotional wellbeing during pregnancy. Therefore, you need to understand how you can manage the expectations to help you remain positive and happy throughout your pregnancy. The following tips can help you.
Understand About Ultrasound for the First Trimester
When going for a pregnancy ultrasound at about 11-12 weeks of your pregnancy, it might not be possible to tell the sex of your child. If you are concerned about the nub theory, understand that the predictions made are much less accurate than when done later during your pregnancy, as the ultrasound may not show the nub. Such early ultrasounds are rather for monitoring the general health of the baby and checking for any complications.
Expect More Promising Results During a 20-Week Ultrasound.
When you are going for your second or third-trimester ultrasound, it would be best to let your provider know that you would like to know the sex of your baby. At this stage, the results are more accurate than in the first trimester. Remember to ask your provider to show you and explain exactly what they are looking for.
Accept that it is Not One Hundred Percent Accurate
Although the ultrasounds done anywhere between the eighteenth or twentieth week of pregnancy are between 88-98% accurate, there is a slight margin for error. Therefore, although it looks pretty good, it is better to accept that you will have to wait until birth to be 100% sure. Note that the position of the fetus or the slightest technical error can result in predicting the wrong gender. It might be tough but be patient.
Ask About Advanced Visualization
Due to advancements in technology, you might be able to determine the sex of your child more accurately. For example, consult your provider about 2D imaging, which can help them visualize additional parts of the genitalia to help them be more precise on the sex. 3D and 4D provide more explicit and detailed images of your baby, particularly if taken between 18-20 weeks of the pregnancy. As you seek the ultrasound, ensure you understand what your provider offers and their expertise.
Ask Your Provider to Explain What They are Looking At
Sometimes, you might feel you need more information about what your doctor or technician is looking for and why they have to conclude that your child is a boy or a girl. Please ask your provider to explain as it will help you be content with the results. Your provider will be happy to help you understand what exactly indicates the sex and help you through the assessment and conclusion. You might have heard some rumors out there, and they might affect your expectations, but with the explanation from the doctor, you can understand everything correctly.
If you are ready to capture the special memories and learn about the sex of your child, reach out to Women First GYN today. Your provider will help you understand the process and know what you can expect.