How to Keep Skin Moisturized All Day
Daily rituals and weekly beauty care must be constantly adapted to changes in temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to modify your care program to be beautiful in each season. Do not know where should you start? Never mind, we will present today the most important issues that need to be mindful.
Skin Care
If rules are not respected, the skin will dry out and will be at risk of premature aging. Use daily a sunscreen, fat, powerful moisturizer for both face and neck. Many of us often forget it, but you should know that it is the first to betray the age, because for most women, the first wrinkles appear on the neck. Also, do not forget your hands – even if you wear gloves, protect them every day with a layer of cream.
For added hydration, apply cream to wet skin, after shower, when pores are open – this will ease the absorption inside. Make sure the skin is not too wet as the cream can slide down.
It is good to know that too hot baths and showers should be avoided in cold weather, especially in the morning. If the water is slightly cooler, besides the effect of “stretching” , your skin will retain more moisture and no temperature shock is felt when you are out of the house.
Regarding the skin, the daily hydration, using a sunscreen with a UV filter is a basic rule.
Dedicate 10 minutes every week to exfoliate your skin
If you feel that the skin on your hands, feet and elbows are often dry, is because the layer of the epidermis could be “dead” on the surface, which can be easily removed by peeling. You can use special creams for that, but also you can prepare a home exfoliating product. In a bowl, mix half a cup of coarse salt with a tablespoon of olive oil, few drops of lemon juice, grapefruit or orange. Apply the mixture in the areas mentioned. The skin will get a smoother look and you’ll feel much more relaxed.
Avoid drying and cracking of lips
Many of us complain that dry lips are frequently at risk of “crack”, which is also uncomfortable and ugly. Avoid this by applying lip gloss day and night.
Few tips:
# Keep the skin and hair clean.
# Avoid sleeping face down. If possible, sleep on your back.
# Drink at least 1.5 liters of water.
# Use an alcohol-free toner to clean your pores.