How to Deal with Your 5-Year Old’s Tantrums


You adore your son or daughter and having a child was the biggest blessing. Unfortunately, dealing with tantrums is a far less pleasing task than enjoying the calm and sweet moments with your child.

If you feel helpless, you should certainly understand that many other parents are going through the same situation. Children aged 5 and even younger are capable of screaming and crying their lungs out in an attempt to achieve something. Such tantrums are especially difficult to deal with, especially if the dramatic display takes place in public.

Does this sound familiar? Punishment doesn’t work and talking your child out of it is a lost cause. What is the best way to handle tantrums in an educational manner without giving in to your child’s demands?

Tantrums are a frequent problem. These are immature behaviors that children use to get what they want. Strictly speaking, screaming and crying in public is an instinctive attempt to manipulate the parents into doing something that they are unwilling to do.

Giving in will simply make the problem more serious. Your five-year old will now know that the strategy works. If you try to say no after yielding to your child’s demands on a previous instance, you will fail miserably.

What is the right thing to do?

Punishment and traditional disciplinary techniques will only make things worse. Children can be exceptionally stubborn. They will get into the whole crying and shouting act and they will be inconsolable. A punishment is likely to result in a hysteric fit.

Trying to be logical and working on negotiating is another failing strategy. Your little one is already in the middle of their emotional breakdown routine. All logical arguments will simply be rejected with tears and shouts.

Next time it happens, you should try to talk your child out of it. Establish eye contact. This is vital for your message to get across. Be reassuring and understanding. Even if your child is unwilling to listen, your tone will demonstrate your intentions.

Tell your little one that you understand. For example saying “dear, I know you want the toy truck. But we have an agreement – you will be getting it for your birthday. You need to hold on just two more weeks. Can you do that for me?” By talking to your child about it, you will be acknowledging the specific desire. You are offering an alternative and you are not saying “no.” A positive, open-ended approach is always the one you should be using in intense situations.

When your five-year old manages to calm down, you should try to talk about the tantrum. Tell your child while such a public display is inappropriate. Your kid should know that you would no longer be going out together if a public drama is going to take place once again. Be calm and refrain from using negativity or a threatening tone. Treat your kid as an adult. Be logical and use reason.

These techniques could be difficult to introduce in the beginning. Most parents will instinctively try to control a tantrum in a punishing manner. Still, taking the time to talk and be assertive will pay off in the future.

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