How Erectile Dysfunction Affects Relationships
One in every ten men suffers to some degree from erectile dysfunction. Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction would do just about anything to cure it. There are natural juices, roots, and vitamins that sometimes work short term, but the problem is eating enough of them to build up the body’s supply. Sometimes that is impossible. Another treatment is the ancient art of Chinese acupuncture. Though, acupuncture is usually used for the treatment of back pain, migraines and neck pain, the science behind it is creating blood flow. So, if they increase the blood flow to the penis, it could help. As for where they put the needles to accomplish this, we do not know.
There is no question that erectile dysfunction can put a strain on a relationship. Sometimes a man feels like he is somehow less, due to this natural medical condition. No matter how many times his partner tells him that he is loved, respected and is no different in their eyes if he feels like he is – he is. As his self-esteem takes a nosedive, the relationship is bound to fail. The simple fact is no one can make you feel good about you. It is impossible.
There are also women who mistaken sexual relations for love. In a relationship like that, she feels he no longer loves her or finds her attractive. He can tell her that he does and he can explain that it is just a medical condition that some men over 50 get, but she will not hear him. This makes him feel like he is letting her down.
With time and counseling, they may get past this issue, but it would take a lot of work and expense.
There are medically safe and effective medications that will allow a man with erectile dysfunction to enjoy a natural sexual experience. There are several medications on the market that he can take before the sexual encounter that will allow him to satisfy his partner. These medications have been on the market for many years and they are quite safe, there are some side-effects like those for who suffers heart diseases, otherwise they are minimal and most men have no side effects at all.
When these medications were put on the market, suppliers took advantage of people, They knew these drugs were treating a sensitive issue and they bet that men would not complain too loudly about anything so personal. But as more drug manufacturers began making like drugs, the problems, and the solutions were more readily addressed. Happily for the many men who need this drug therapy, the medications are inexpensive.
Another solution is to consult a psychologist, the problem might be located “up-there” and a psychologist might find and solve this problem pretty easy in just few sessions without the need of medicine or drugs at all.
There is no reason for any couple to suffer anymore. Help is available at an affordable price and he can address the problem discretely.