How can you get rid of your gastritis?

Burning pain and a feeling of discomfort which last in the region of the stomach, along with loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, headache and dizziness could be the signs of gastritis.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach, that can occur suddenly (acute) or gradually (chronic). Stress, irrational use of  pain pills, overeating, eating very spicy foods as a habit, alcohol, infections caused by bacteria or viruses, pernicious anemia, acid reflux are some of the things that can cause gastritis. Incorrectly treated, it may lead to many complicatgastritisions such as peptic ulcer disease, gastric polyps, and benign and malignant gastric tumors.

Cure gastritis with the 2 days diet

It sounds promising, but it only concerns the acute gastritis and is not exactly a diet, but more like a fasting. Using this method, the intake of irritants is at once effectively stopped, the stomach is rested and the toxic condition, causing the inflammation, is allowed to subside. During fast, people having gastritis should drink only warm water or eating juicy fruits like grapes, apples, water melons etc. This diet will bring fast relief and detoxifies the stomach.

Once the acute symptoms are gone, cereals, green leafy vegetables, fruits can be reintroduced into the diet. To prevent the reappearance of the illness, the cause of the gastritis should be identified and eliminated.

Diet for chronic condition

Since the stomach of the people with gastritis presents a lining already injured and delicate, they should be following a diet that will not put any more stress on their stomach. To eliminate the acute symptoms, in the initial stage of the cure, fasting is also recommended. The difference from the fasting for acute gastritis and the one for the chronic form is the longer period – up to seven days.  The next step of the diet is to introduce in the daily meals foods which are easy to digest and can work as soothing agents for the abdomen. First of all, there should be identified which particular food causes pain after intake. People react different to different foods. As a general recommendation, foods which are appropriate for gastritis are: leafy vegetables, coconut water, carrot juice, oatmeal, yogurt, vegetable, salads, fresh fruits (low acidic), cooked cereals, lean meats, whole grains. Greasy, fried, canned and processed food should be avoided, together with: coffee, chocolate, tea, aerated drinks, alcohol, citrus juices (like orange, lemon, cranberries, etc.,), tomatoes, meats, salt, tobacco, chilly powder, pepper, cauliflower, spicy food. Dishes that are either too hot or too cold must be avoided because they can irritate stomach’s mucosa.

The daily diet plan should include 5 or 6 smaller meals. It is easier for the stomach to digest lower amounts of food than a few large meals. Since, the digestion process starts into the mouth, the food should be chewed thoroughly. On a regular basis, vitamin supplement- vitamin B12, in particular, should be added to the diet.  Herbal teas like chamomile, lavender, peppermint or parsley tea have beneficial effects on the digestive organs and are recommended for the suppression of pain in the stomach, which is the main symptom of gastritis.


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2 Responses

  1. laraine says:

    I have tried all of these methods but still my pain keeps coming and going to my heart and body and back what shall I do to get rid of my gastritis please help me

  2. Elisa says:

    I was affected by chronic gastritis for a long time, I felt many dizziness and vomiting, it was frightening but the natural remedies helped me a lot to heal myself.

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