Here’s why should you plan your next visit to India for your cancer treatment !

Cancer…the word is enough to describe the person’s condition who is suffering from it. A deadly disease, that starts slowly without any prior warning and then gradually overtakes the affected person’s body. It disrupts the entire normal bodily functions, thus causing major harm to the affected person’s physical as well as mental health. Not only the disease is painful, but also is very expensive because of its complicated nature. This is the main reason why you should come to India for your cancer treatment, as the best cancer hospitals in India offer the better treatment at affordable cost.

Its shocking that there are many cancer deaths reported by WHO, due to lack of ‘vitamin M’(money). You see, not everyone can afford the high treatment cost of cancer. Also, the cancer treatment is quite expensive in countries like U.K., U.S.A etc. Well, in that case, India should be a preferred destination for your cancer treatment! Let’s see why…

Cancer Treatment in India

Cancer treatment in India

Cancer treatment in India is one of the best in the world. Because of the advanced method of treatment and technology and well-equipped hospitals, India is one of the preferred locations for the treatment of cancer. India has Chennai, which is the hub of medicines, also known as the mecca of medicine which shows India’s strong presence in the field of medicines. Further, Indian doctors are considered as few of the best medical professionals in the world.

Also, India has a powerful medical care system comprising of highly skilled and experienced doctors who are specialized in oncology. The oncologists here are specialized in treatment of various types of cancers, such as lung cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, etc. Due to English-speaking medical and literate population in India, people from other countries don’t face language barrier. With the world class medical care service and low cost of treatment, India is becoming the medical destination for the world.

Following are the cancer treatment options available in India –

  1. Surgery:

Removal of tumour through surgery is the surgical method of cancer treatment. It is done if the cancer cells or lymph nodes are limited to their origin. Generally, Laser or conventional instrument is used for surgery.

  1. Radiation therapy:

In this therapy, ionizing radiation is used to treat cancer cells and other diseases. Cancer cells and genetic substances are destroyed in this therapy. Further, ionizing radiations inhibit the growth of these cells.

  1. Hormone therapy:

This treatment uses hormones, to change the way they help cancer cells to grow in human body. This therapy is mainly used for the treatment of breast cancer and prostate cancer.

  1. Chemotherapy:

In this, anti-cancer drugs are used for the treatment of cancer. These drugs destroy cancer cells and also stop them from growing. The drugs are given in various ways, depending on the type of drug and also the type of cancer to be treated.

  1. Biological therapy (immunotherapy):

This therapy uses immune system directly or indirectly for the treatment of cancer. It also helps in reducing the side effects developed from other treatment method.

  1. Stem cell transplant:

It is also known as bone marrow transplant. Bone marrow is the material inside the bone which makes blood from blood stem cells. These stem cells are replaced with own stem cells or stem cells from donors. New stem cells then grow into disease free cells.

But why India?

Not bragging about India, but yes, following are the reasons that make India the ultimate destination for cancer treatment –

  • Cost of treatment
  • Hospitals
  • Waiting time
  • Advanced methods of treatment
  1. Cost of treatment:
  • The cost of treatment of cancer in India is very affordable.
  • Cost of treatment in India is less than 50% to 80% of what it costs in developed countries like U.K., U.S.A., Canada, Singapore.
  • All the advanced facilities are provided at minimum cost.
  • No language barrier for English-speaking/understanding people.
  • More than 40% of Nigerians who visit India, come for medical treatment, especially for cancer.
  • Among the total number of people who visit India for the medical treatment, 34% are from Bangladesh and Afghanistan, 30% are from Russia. Rest 44% include patients from Middle east, Africa, U.S.A., U.K., and other countries of the world.
  • More than 150 foreign patients visit Chennai (health capital of India) every day for treatment.

Here is the cost comparison for cancer treatment in India and other countries-

Type of cancer Treatment Minimum cost of treatment in USD ($)
India U.S.A. U.K. UAE
Pet scan 500 4900 3400 3270
Chemotherapy 1500 7000 7000 8700
Oral cancer Surgical 3300 14000 15200 15000
Breast cancer Surgical 2800 15000 11000 10000
Lung cancer (early stage) Surgical 5000 22000 23000 16000


  1. Hospitals:Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India
  • India has many advanced and specialised cancer treatment hospitals that provide with well-equipped technology, renowned oncologists like Dr. Suresh Advani, Dr. Sandeep Nayak etc. and world class infrastructure and services.
  • Few of the best cancer hospitals in India are, Tata Memorial hospital, Apollo hospitals, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Delhi State Cancer Institute, Fortis hospitals etc. of which some are government and charitable hospitals that offer affordable cancer treatment or sometimes for free. For more information on charitable hospitals, visit their site –
  1. Waiting time:
  • Waiting time is the time period a patient has to wait for his/her cancer treatment to start right from his agreement for the treatment.
  • Waiting time in developed countries like Canada, U.K., Australia and U.S.A and Germany is highest in the world.
  • K is trying to achieve the target to reducing their waiting time to 62 days.
  • While the waiting time in India is almost zero, which is the lowest in the world.
  1. Advanced method of treatments:

Today, India is well equipped with the latest technologies used in medical field. With the passing time, all these technologies have secured place in Indian hospitals. Moreover, the cutting-edge facilities and services provided by the Indian hospitals match the international standards of excellence.

Some examples of such advanced technologies for cancer treatment are as follows:

Proton therapy system:

After years of research in the medical field, this proton therapy or proton beam therapy is developed and is now in use. Proton therapy is the treatment of cancer or other diseases through proton radiation. This therapy has the power to deliver the beam exactly where it is required and directed. It is recognised as the most advanced method of radiation treatment available today.

Advanced diagnostic techniques:

Advanced cancer detection techniques like PET-CT (Positron Emission Tomography), High Dose Rate (HDR) brachytherapy, Da Vinci robotic surgery system, Novalis Tx, etc. are some of the latest techniques that are developed and used for cancer diagnostic and treatment in India.

Generation-next therapeutics:

This technique is a shift from regular chemotherapy into updated advanced method of treatment. The high end therapeutic method is treatment of cancer with the personalised drug. This type of treatment is more personalised according to the patients.

Robotic cancer surgery:

Robotic surgery

This method uses advanced computer technology for more focused and precise treatment by the experienced and skilled surgeons. This technology provides 10X magnified, high-definition, 3d image of the body, which helps the surgeon to control and manipulate special surgical instruments that are smaller and more flexible than human hands, for a precise surgery. The robot copies the hand movement of the surgeon, hence minimizing manual errors.

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1 Response

  1. Utkarsh Bansode says:

    Very informative article and will help International patients to get effective cancer treatment at best hospitals in India.

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