Healthy And Nutritious Food For Better Life
Eating food is an absolutely important activity in one’s life. It is part of who we are and part of our culture; in fact, eating is the hottest universal topic of all times It is our food from which we gain the energy or the calories necessary to live our daily life. We walk and talk consuming energy that we gain from our food. We give very little attention to what all are we eating and in which proportions. There is a relation between our eating habits and food and energy we get out of it. We need to understand all that and choose and plan our eating habits accordingly. Eating is a paradox and a mystery that our ancestors tried and modern scientists are trying to solve.
Research on pharmacological effects of foods is fast-paced and the results are exciting. The mystery of what foods can do for or to us has started to unveil. In order to effectively use foods for our health benefits, the following issues need to be considered:
- Use the most recent scientific findings and make use of them for our health benefits
- Use variety of whole foods as much as possible instead of isolated dietary supplements for your health problems – they are safer, cheaper, and usually more effective since they can provide multiple and balanced disease fighting capabilities
- Choice of foods is important: since healing power of a food is depending on the content of pharmacologically active constituents that differ among foods, and certain foods may need to be avoided due to their disease encouraging activities
- The way you prepare and eat your foods can affect their pharmacological effects
- Concerns about multiple health conditions: foods that benefit one health condition may be harmful to others
- Overall nutritional values of foods should be known
Eating as per certain important considerations in mind would indeed help us eat healthy and intelligent.
Healthy food habit is not just depriving of your favorite food, following nutritious philosophies, or staying sleek and slim. It is all about making you to feel with more energy, healthy and physically active. This can be achieved by anyone who is ready to learn how to incorporate the nutritious basics to suit your desire.
Food Ideas
Healthy food includes both organic and natural food categories. Some examples include wheat germ, alfalfa sprouts and yogurt. You need to be conscious on what you eat. Always avoid consuming food and beverages that have increased risk of heart diseases, diabetes and cancer or tumors.
Try to expand your range of choices in foods that would improve your energy level, which might even include your favorite of mouthwatering and delicious foods.
Picture Strategy of Healthy and Nutritious Food
• Expand your variety of choices- you can choose various range of food for different meals and try to include the portion of whole grains, rice, pasta, fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
• Calculate your daily amount of calories- the average recommended daily allowance of calorie is 2000. But this may vary based upon you sex, age, height, weight and physical activities. Try to find out the correct RDA for you and see that your intake to be near to that.
• Limit salt, sugary foods and refined grains- you may not know that just a 12 ounce soda tin could raise your weight by 18 pounds since the beverage would contain vast quantity of salt and sugar. Be aware of that, and try to avoid them in your diet.
• Eat plenty of legumes, fruits, vegetables and grains- These foods are high in complex carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, fiber, free of cholesterol and low in fat. Consume more of these foods as possible as you can.
• Keep portions moderate- choose a starter and do not eat supersized food. See that you keep moderate portions or split your high calorie dishes for later use.
• Drink plenty of water- water can hydrate your body, helps to digest your food easily and has capability to release the energy. Have a habit of drinking minimum two liters of water daily.
Macro-nutrients for Healthy Metabolism
Protein contains amino acids which is essential for repair and growth of the human cells. Red meat, fish varieties, eggs are rich in protein. Fat is necessary for forming new cell membranes, oxidizing energy and storing them for later use, e.g. Peanut, soya bean, coconut, fish oil, butter, ghee etc.
Carbohydrates are chemicals which are broken down into glucose and fructose for ease of absorption by the body. Glucose is the primary source of energy and is stored in the skeletal muscles and the liver in large quantity in the form of water, e.g. rice, wheat, potato etc.
Some of the other essential macro-nutrients are salt, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamins, and fiber. World health organization suggests having balance between the energy and weight of your body.