Category: Health

women sea relieve stress

7 Tips How To Get Rid Of Stress

Stressful situations are everywhere around us; it can be seen as a common condition among many people. While some kinds of stress can be positive, unwanted stress is be very harmful. Symptoms may include anxiety, fatigue, insomnia, stomach problems, sweating, heart palpitations, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, and irritability. Many health problems are associated with various...


Home Remedies for Seasickness

Almost everybody have felt at least once in the life motion sickness during a trip, it manifests not only on sea. We are going to discuss one of the a few types, seasickness. This condition is a reaction of the body’s inner ear balance system to the unfamiliar motion of a boat, ship or yacht. Causes...


Health Benefits Of Honey and Bee Products

Honey is a natural, unique and healthy resource of nutrients that are extremely important for the human body. Therefore, it is an excellent food, essential in the daily human diet. Crystallization is a natural characteristic of honey. The tendency towards crystallization depends on the ratio of grape and fruit sugars in honey, temperatures and humidity. The crystallized...

sex cures headaches

Headaches – Causes And Home Remedies

Headache involves pain in the head, permanent or occasional, rare or common, diffuse, which affects the whole head or just a part of the head. Headache is one of the most common symptoms encountered in everyday life. It is often an accompanying symptom of many diseases. How many times have you said “I have a headache”...

make up

Putting Together the Perfect Makeup Kit

If you’re not careful makeup can quickly become disorganized, cluttered up and, quite frankly a real mess. If you spend more time hunting through your makeup for your favorite shade of lipstick than you do applying it then it’s about time you got the job organized and put together a makeup kit – one for everyday...

sleeping woman

7 Tips to Fix a Disturbed Sleep Cycle

It happens to all of us, maybe you had a crazy weekend, or you drank caffeine too late, but for whatever reason you’re in bed, under the covers, but you just can’t get to sleep. You aren’t alone, over 60 million Americans reportedly dealt with insomnia last year. And in this rush-rush world, it’s now more...


Getting Free From Stress with Ping Pong – Learn How

Stress can actually ruin our health in many ways. If you have been working for long hours, if there are family problems and you are mostly worried or anxious about something, it is likely that you will suffer from stress. Stress can lead to many other problems. The creativity of a person gets limited and life...

Story Board Artist

Tips To Consider When Buying Sleeper Pillows

A recent survey reveals that most of the peoples are getting less number of sleeping hours than their normal range. This condition will lead to more serious health problems. The sleepless moments will happen at any cost but the major reason will fall on the things which you keep while you sleep. The things in the...