Category: COVID-19


5 Sobering Stats About COVID-19 and Depression

The pandemic has been a hard time on pretty much everyone. It has brought on many life changes, resulting in uncertainty and fear. Dealing with health and lifestyle changes can bring on a mixture of emotions and oftentimes lead to anxiety and depression. Yes, depression can be brought on during any time of life, but the...

Work from Home Beauty Tips to Make You Feel Your Best During Quaratine

Work from Home Beauty Tips to Make You Feel Your Best During Quaratine

Just because you may be working from home now, doesn’t mean you can’t spend some time making yourself look and feel beautiful before you start your day. With the entire world on pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our lives have seemingly been thrown upside-down, making it all that more important to invest in self-care. With...

How Temperature Screening Kiosk Can Help Your Business Deal with the Pandemic

After the COVID-19 happened, the whole world is trying to recover from the havoc that it did to our lives. The governments, the private sectors, and the ruling authorities are all taking precautionary measures and continuously finding ways to keep everything under control. At the initial stages of the pandemic, countries imposed complete lockdown, restricting daily...

Picking the Right Sneeze Guard: Business, School, and More

Whether it is dealing with a serious pandemic, seasonal illnesses, or a desire for a more sanitary work environment, there are many things businesses big and small can do. One of the simplest and also one of the most effective is to install sneeze guards or a desk shield at checkouts and other areas where customers...

What to Look For In Sneeze Guards: Protecting Your Business and Yourself

During challenging times when microbes are coming with a vengeance, you have to do everything you can to protect yourself, your coworkers, and your customers. You need to protect them with the best sneeze guards your money can buy. A good sneeze guard can cut down contamination significantly so that you can try to run your...