Hair transplant is a life enhancement procedure
Losing hair as you age is a natural process, and millions of people around the world suffer from it. But even if we understand that it happens to many people, it is still very difficult to come to terms with. A head full of healthy hair is associated with youth, vitality, and attractiveness. And given what it signifies, hair loss can cause stress, anxiety and have a devastating effect on your self-esteem.
Hair loss can affect people’s social and professional lives as it makes them question their appearance. It is also associated with Body Dimorphic Disorder, or BDD, a body-image disorder characterized by persistent and intrusive preoccupations with an imagined or slight defect in one’s appearance. It is known to cause depression.
And it is not just emotional distress; research says that as people grow old, they are perceived as less energetic. Contrary to what we might believe, appearances matter a lot in the workspace, especially for people who are in client facing roles. Often people, who are perceived as attractive, are promoted over others. Psychologists say that for ancestral humans, better-looking people were thought to be more productive and fecund. Attractive people are also considered more persuasive. Now, attractiveness is not necessarily physical attributes, it can mean how well groomed you are, whether you dress immaculately, or if you take care of your physical fitness.
Hair loss can definitely alter how you look and can change the perceptions about your appearance. Luckily for men, they don’t have to suffer the pain of hair loss and the emotional and psychological trauma caused by it, anymore. Hair transplant technology today is extremely advanced, sophisticated and readily available. And it is changing the lives of so many people.
Last year, researchers at the Johns Hopkins University conducted a study to understand whether hair transplant improves a casual observer’s ratings of age, attractiveness, successfulness, and approachability in men treated for androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. The study indicated that men who underwent hair transplant were rated as appearing significantly more youthful, attractive, successful, and approachable.
So what is a surgical hair transplant? It is a procedure that involves extracting healthy hair follicles from the donor areas of the scalp and implanting them onto thinning or bald spots. The donor areas are usually the back and sides of the head, which are hair fall resistant. These areas are not affected by DHT or dihydrotestosterone, an androgen that gives men their male characteristics and is also a primary reason for pattern baldness.
There are two commonly used methods of hair restoration today– Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). FUT involves removing a strip of scalp from the donor area, dividing it into tiny grafts, each of which contain a few hairs, and then implanting them into the bald spots.While FUE involves extracting individual follicles from the donor areas, and transplanting them through small slits on to the bald spots. Hair transplant is an almost painless procedure, witha short recovery period, and is minimally intrusive.It lasts long and is a highly successful treatment. And since the grafts are taken from the parts of the head with permanent hair, they are likely to stay permanent.
Hair transplant is the perfect solution for men suffering hair loss, who feel that it is damaging their social, emotional or professional life. It can bring back lost self-confidence, and make people self-assured amongst friends, family, as well as in workspaces. It can also lead to people being more social, and perform better at work. It will ensure that you don’t hide from others because youfeel conscious about your hair.A hair transplant can restore the sense of youthfulness and vibrancy, and can make people feel good about them in general.
If you are looking for the procedure, all you need to do is to find a reputed and experienced surgeon, who can assess your medical history and recommend the right procedure for you. You should also ask them to assessany future hair loss and then proceed with the transplant.The procedure is sure to not just change how you look and feel, but quite possible your life.
Author Bio:
The above content is contributed by Dr. Sangay Bhutia a hair transplant surgeon in Delhi, NCR, and India. She has 10+ years of experience in hair restoration surgeries. She also writes about hair transplant and hair loss.