Four Ways a Clean Home Can Promote Health and Happiness
There are few things more satisfying than having a clean home. But, how many people are actually willing to put in the effort to achieve that satisfied feeling?
If you need a little extra motivation to keep your home clean, perhaps knowing the various ways that a clean house can improve your health and make you happier will do the trick.
Read on to learn about four ways that keeping your home clean can promote better health and happiness for you and your family.
1. Reduced Risk of Mold and Mildew Toxicity
Approximately two-thirds of cases of adult-onset asthma are caused by toxins released by the mold and mildew that are present in water-damaged buildings. Mold toxicity has also been linked to mental health conditions like depression.
Common symptoms of mold and mildew toxicity include:
- Allergy symptoms (sneezing, wheezing, coughing, etc.)
- Fatigue and weakness
- Muscle aches
- Headaches
- Light sensitivity
- Poor focus and concentration
- Mood swings
- Skin irritation
- Changes in appetite
- Abdominal pain
A damp environment is the most common cause of mold and mildew growth. To avoid it, take care to keep your home clean and dry. Keeping your home cool (below 75 degrees) can also be beneficial, as can changing the air filters in your heating and cooling vents on a regular basis.
2. Reduced Stress
A clean home can also help you feel less stressed. Stress has been linked to a number of negative health issues, including chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and digestive disorders.
When you’re feeling chronically stressed, you’re also less likely to make healthy choices. Research shows that people with clean, orderly home environments are more likely to choose healthy foods and exercise than those who live in a constant state of clutter and chaos.
People who are less stressed and have more organized homes are also less likely to overeat and rely on unhealthy snacks to boost their mood and energy.
3. Better Sleep
Poor sleep, like stress, is connected to a variety of serious health conditions. Heart disease, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and depression can all be brought on or exacerbated by poor sleep quality.
It’s easy to see why a dirty, cluttered home can hinder one’s sleep quality. It’s hard for the brain to relax when there are piles of clothing that need to be put away or a mountain of dirty dishes in the sink. The brain perceives clutter as unfinished work, and most humans aren’t very good at resting when they know there’s still work to be done.
It’s especially important to keep your bedroom clean and tidy if you want to get a good night’s sleep. One study even found that people who were in the habit of making their bed every morning were 19 percent more likely to sleep better when night rolled around.
4. Reduced Spread of Germs
Finally, when your home is clean, you’re less likely to have germs spread from person to person. This lowers your risk (and your family’s risk) of getting sick. Areas like the kitchen and bathroom are especially important to scrub down on a regular basis.
In addition to eliminating germs, keeping your kitchen clean can also decrease the risk of food poisoning. Wiping down your countertops, cleaning your cutting boards, and disinfecting your sponges help reduce the risk of cross-contamination and prevent the spread of bacteria.
Tips for Maintaining a Clean Home
Are you still feeling a little confused about how to start keeping your home cleaner? If so, don’t worry.
Listed below are some simple tips you can apply today to work toward your goal of having — and maintaining — a cleaner home.
- Vacuum regularly to reduce dust and dirt buildup that could contribute to allergies
- Keep your home dry and use a bath mat made of an anti-mildew material to reduce mold and mildew growth
- Prioritize the areas of your house that are likely to hold the most germs — bathrooms, doorknobs, countertops, faucet handles, etc.
- Wash dishes and clean your sink on a daily basis
- Make your bed every morning
- Assign everyone in the family a few chores so you’re not taking on the cleaning load all by yourself.
Very Helpful Post Thank you