Fitness Swimming Tips
Swimming is an excellent exercise that benefits the whole body, and helps maintain an ideal body weight as well as improve overall fitness. Swimming is a challenge for people who are afraid of having water get into their nose, or who feel that it irritates their eyes. But once you get the hang of it, however, you will find it much easier to swim, and you can attain much greater speeds. There both indoor and outdoor swimming pool facilities, many of them with pool fences installed.
How to Get Started
Pace yourself when you first start out in swimming. Take it easy in the beginning and get more efficient as you become familiar with better technique. It is not unusual to feel exhausted after swimming for just one minute. Allow yourself time to learn and get used to been underwater, and don’t try to compete with other swimmers. You can use a “pace clock” to determine how many minutes it takes you to finish 100 m at a comfortable pace. You set the clock next to the pool fence where you can view it in open space.
Burn Fat and Eat Healthy Diet
Swimming takes a lot of energy from your body and the food you consume provides the fuel your body needs during swimming. Eating empty calories or foods high in fats and refined sugars does not give your body the type of fuel it needs to propel you through water. Healthy diets that help you perform better and achieve increased overall fitness include high amounts of whole grains, lean protein, fresh vegetables and fruits.
Build Strength and Balance
Try to train all muscle groups when you engage in strenuous swimming workouts. Swimming uses primarily the shoulders and upper body, and over exertion can cause back pain and postural problems. So in addition to lap swimming, you need to perform some strength-building exercises in your swimming sessions.
Considerations to Make
Though swimming helps to improve overall fitness, you might have reactions to the water due to the chemicals in it. When chlorine interacts with the contaminants, the resulting byproducts can cause irritation. If you have sensitive swimmers’ eyes, lungs and skin, avoid indoor pools and use better-ventilated swimming facilities or use outdoor swimming pools. If you have an outdoor swimming pool in your home, it is a good idea to install a pool fence for your protection and safety purposes.