Fight Pain through Acupuncture
Back pain, migraines, acute and chronic pain, joint pain, neck pain and stiffness; post-surgery pains, dental pain… Reduce them all with acupuncture therapy!
One of the oldest and most commonly used holistic therapies is the acupuncture. This form of therapy originates from China, from the New Stone Age. During this period, stones were refined into fine needles called bian stones and served as instruments of healing. The most significant milestone in the history of Acupuncture occurred during the period of Huang Di -The Yellow Emperor (2697-2597).
Acupuncture is mentioned in the second part of the monumental text “The Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine”, called the “The Ling Shu” (“Miraculous Pivot, Spiritual Axis”). The Ling Shu’s focus is Acupuncture, describing the meridians, the functions of the zang-fu organs, the nine types of needles, the functions of the acupuncture points and their 160 locations, the needling techniques and the types of Chi (Qi). In the Warren States Era (421-221 B.C.) metal needles replaced the bian stones.
How does the acupuncture work?
During the acupuncture process, extremely thin needles are inserted through the skin at strategic points on the body.
The main target of the traditional Chinese medicine is to re-balance the energy or life force (CHI), which flows through specific pathways (meridians) in the human body, with the help of the needles inserted in specific points. These points are located along the channels of energy (meridians) that connect all of major organs. According to Chinese medical theory, illness occurs when the cyclical flow of Chi in the meridians becomes unbalanced or is blocked.
When a needle is inserted in an acupuncture point, it stimulates a specific sensory receptor that, in turn, stimulates nerves that transmit impulses to the hypothalamic-pituitary system at the base of the brain. As a response, the hypothalamus-pituitary glands release neurotransmitters and endorphins, the body’s natural pain-killing hormones.
What can be the acupuncture used for?
Acupuncture has been shown to:
- reduce the body aches and pain (migraines; acute and chronic pain; joint pains; trigeminal neuralgia; back pain; neck pain and stiffness; post-operative pain; muscle spasms; dental pain; labor pain;);
- stimulate the immune system, by increasing the T-cells’ number;
- affect the circulation, blood pressure, rhythm and stroke volume of the heart;
- fight against digestive disorders (constipation, gas, bloating); it regulates the secretion of the gastric acid;
- stimulate the release of a variety of hormones that help body to respond to injury and stress;
- fight chronic fatigue, insomnia, stress and anxiety related disorders, including depression;
- fight against skin conditions and allergies
- reduce infertility and P.M.S.;
- reduce chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting etc.
Who cannot use acupuncture?
Acupuncture therapy is not recommended for:
- patients with a pacemaker– needles can interfere with the electrical pulses of the pacemaker;
- pregnant women- acupuncture can be used to reduce the labor pains, but it is not recommended before, because it can lead to premature delivery;
- people with bleeding disorders- bruising from the needles can lead to a bleeding that cannot be controlled.
How long the acupuncture treatments should be taken?
Usually, the practitioner decides on the lengths of the treatment, but depending on the medical condition, a common treatment plan for a single complaint would typically involve six to 12 sessions, scheduled over a few months. For example, an acute sprain may require only one or two treatments, whereas more chronic or severe ailments may require several (or several dozen) treatments.
- “Acupuncture FAQs”, Claire Cassidy, PhD, Lac, 2006;
- “Improving Health through Acupuncture Energy Balance” – Lawrence Li, MD, MPH and Dan Lobash, Ph.D., L.Ac., 2004