Employing Cutting-Edge Treatments to Deliver Expert Ingrown Toenail Care in California
Whereas an ingrown toenail might not always appear to be an issue initially, the discomfort could become severe once it begins to develop into your skin. Ruben Nieto, DPM, and his staff at Diabetic Foot and Wound Center utilize cutting-edge procedures to cure patients with an ingrown toenail in Bakersfield, CA. Early treatment might help you heal from an ingrown toenail before it gets infections or uncomfortable. To find out more, contact the nearest Diabetic Foot and Wound Center office over the phone or arrange an appointment online today. Same-day and next-day appointments, as well as telehealth, are also available at the office.
What Exactly Is An Ingrown Toenail?
An ingrown toenail occurs whenever the edge of your toe begins to develop into the skin around it. An ingrown toenail could happen in any of your toes, but they are most prevalent in the big toe, wherein your nail is broad and tangled.
What Are The Symptoms Of An Ingrown Toenail?
Ingrown toenails are not often evident initially, but you could usually tell if you do have one if you have one or more of the symptoms listed below:
- Tender skin
- Redness around the nail
- Skin expansion surrounding the nail
- Pain in the vicinity of the toenail
Ingrown toenails place you in danger of infection. If your toe is gushing pus or blood, medicines could be necessary to eliminate the disease.
What Is The Reason For An Ingrown Toenail?
Ingrown toenails could occur at any age, but they are more frequent in teens with sweaty feet and elderly persons since toenails grow with age. Ingrown toenails trigger by a variety of factors, including:
- Sweaty toes
- Toenails that are too short
- Toenails with irregular shapes
- Incorrect posture
- Injury to the toes
- Shoes that are too tight or too thin
- Improper hygiene
Most persons have a genetic susceptibility to ingrown toenails. As a result, ensure to maintain your feet clean and dry and the toenails at a pleasant length.
What Are The Options For Treating Ingrown Toenails?
If you identify an ingrown toenail before it penetrates too deeply into your skin, bathing your foot in warm water will usually detach the skin from the nail’s edge.
Numerous topical remedies are available to help address ingrown toenails. But, the wound care experts at Diabetic Foot and Wound Center understand that if you have a chronic illness, like diabetes, it could take more time for your toe to recuperate.
The staff provides hyperbaric oxygen therapy to guarantee your toe properly recovers from an ingrown toenail. This novel therapy subjects you to pure oxygen in a compression vessel, allowing much-required oxygen to reach your wound and speed up recovery.
Debridement, or the elimination of damaged or dead tissue, could also be required for your ingrown toenail to recover.
Ruben Nieto, DPM, and the Diabetic Foot and Wound Center team will guide you through the diagnostics and treatment, respond to all of your concerns, and assist you in making the ideal decision for you. For top-quality ingrown toenail therapy, call the office or request a consultation online today.