Effective Management of Pediatric Neurological Disorders in New York

mother and child

Conditions like autism, epilepsy, ADHD, migraines, and other neurological complications may affect your child’s life. As a concerned parent, you should seek immediate medical attention to ensure that your child’s growth and development are perfect. At the NY Neurology Associates, Dr. Saremsky offers fully personalized pediatric neurology for newborns, teens, children, and young adults around New York.

What is Pediatric Neurology?

Pediatric neurology is a branch of medicine specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders among children. Every pediatric neurologist receives comprehensive education and specialized training focused on various neurological diseases and conditions like:

  •       Tumors of the spine and brain
  •       Tics and Tourette’s syndrome
  •       Strokes
  •       Neuromuscular disorders
  •       Neuro-genetic disorders
  •       Movement disorders
  •       Metabolic diseases
  •       Mental retardation
  •       Learning disabilities
  •       Hydrocephalus
  •       Headaches
  •       Epilepsy
  •       Craniofacial abnormalities
  •       Congenital malformations
  •       Concussions and traumatic brain injuries
  •       Cerebral palsy
  •       Autism and other developmental disabilities
  •       Anxiety
  •       ADHD

Conditions Treated by a Pediatric Neurologist

With the right approach, your child is kept safe from neurological conditions that may threaten his productivity. At NY Neurology Associates, Dr. Saremsky offers comprehensive tests and treatments for pediatric neurological disorders relating to:

  • Brain injuries and brain tumors
  • Cerebral palsy and other movement disorders
  • Neuromuscular conditions like muscular dystrophy
  • Neurological development complications during initial years that could affect your child’s cognitive and physical abilities
  • Birth complications affecting the spinal cord and brain, like spina bifida
  • Genetic and metabolic conditions of the nervous system that affects brain development

Dr. Saremsky also specializes in pediatric neurological needs related to:

–  Epilepsy

–  Febrile seizures

–  Sleep disorders

–  Learning and speech disabilities

–  Autism spectrum disorders

–  Headaches like migraines

–  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

What to Expect During Your Initial Visit?

At NY Neurology Associates, Dr. Saremsky performs a conclusive evaluation, including a close review of the child’s medical history and symptoms. The doctor also runs an in-depth physical exam and recommends diagnostic studies to understand your child’s needs.

If your child qualifies for further neurological care and follow-up care, Dr. Saremsky drafts a fully personalized treatment plan focused on finding the best treatment for his/her condition. Dr. Saremsky uses a multi-faceted approach to handle unique pediatric neurological disorders.

For the best experience, Dr. Saremsky discusses the diagnosis results and possible treatment plans with each parent. You are granted a detailed report to guide your child’s primary care physician further.

Dr. Saremsky is available round the clock as a consultant offering viable recommendations required to manage your child’s neurological condition. If the need arises, you may visit the NY Neurology Associates for ongoing support and medical care for better neurological functions.

Other Services Offered at NY Neurology Associates

You may also visit the practice for:


Multiple sclerosis

Radiofrequency ablations



Epidural injections



Deep brain stimulation


Botox treatment

Doppler studies

Sacroiliac joint pain

Evoked potential studies



TMJ injections

Memory problems

Spine pain

NY Neurology Associates offers top-notch services in friendly, warm, comfortable, and child-friendly services involving the parent all through. If you have concerns about your child’s neurological development, contact NY Neurology Associates for immediate assistance.

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