Breast Augmentation and Implant Types


The body consists of various organs which determine a person’s general appearance. Imperfections in some of these organs, including the breasts, may lower your confidence and even hinder you from wearing clothes that reveal your breasts. Aging is one of the most common factors that alter the overall outlook of breasts. Unfortunately, this is a natural process that is inevitable despite the undesirable outcomes that come along with it, including decreased volume in breast tissue and sagging. Thanks to breast augmentation, your aesthetic surgeon in Atlanta can improve your breast’s appearance and help you feel more confident.

What is breast augmentation?

Augmentation mammoplasty is a surgical procedure that most women used to enhance the size and contour of their breasts for varying reasons. Some consider this procedure to improve their self-confidence, while others need it to rebuild their breast tissue after pregnancy or significant weight loss. Most patients may get confused with the terms breast augmentation and breast implants. The primary difference is that breast augmentation is the procedure involved, while breast implants are used during mammoplasty. This is a relatively common procedure that is opted for thousands of women every single year. However, while the chances of something going wrong during a breast implant surgery is very low, make sure that you are going for leading professionals and experts that carry out procedures at reputed medical institutions.

How do I prepare for breast augmentation?

Before this surgical procedure, initial consultation with your surgeon is necessary to increase your understanding of breast augmentation, which may influence whether or not you wish to proceed with the same. Here is also where you discuss with your surgeon about your preference when it comes to the size, shape, and feel of your breast. This enables your specialist to determine the type of implant that may be suitable for you. Below are the various implants used in breast augmentation.

Saline breast implants

Saline breast implants are made out of a shell that contains sterile saltwater. This is a good option for women above 18 years of age as these implants provide a standard feel and shape. The liquid produced out of the implant upon leakage is absorbed by the body and naturally expelled. This type of implant collapses upon leakage.

Silicone breast implants

This type of implant contains silicone gel which provides a more natural feel of breast tissue. They are recommended for women of ages 22 and older. Unlike saline implants, silicone implants do not collapse when the gel leaks. The leaked gel may accumulate in the breast implant pocket or remain in the shell. Women with silicone implants require regular doctor visits for check-ups to ensure the implants are functioning properly. Your specialist may use imaging tests such as an ultrasound or MRI to evaluate the breast implants.

Gummy bear breast implants

These implants contain a gel with a thicker consistency than that of traditional implants, including saline and silicone implants. A major benefit of gummy bear implants is that their shape doesn’t alter even when the shell breaks. This type of implant is a great option for women who want firm breasts with more volume at the bottom. Misplacement of gummy bear implants may result in an abnormal appearance in the shape of breasts. Placing gummy bear implants requires slightly deeper incisions beneath your skin.

If your breasts’ appearance makes you unhappy, breast augmentation is the right procedure for you. To confirm eligibility for this surgical procedure, consult with your surgeon at John David Mullins, MD PC.

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