Benefits of Positive Thinking
Is positive thinking a magic potion in treating health problems?
Currently there are many theories about positive thinking. With a simple internet search of this concept, you will discover a large number of books, articles, websites devoted to positive thinking, all of them demonstrating the popularity of the topic. Within the limits of objectivism, the benefits of positive thinking sometimes seem to be exaggerated. Here we refer to situations in which we risk to ignore the negative aspects of life, getting to the point of avoiding a direct and adequate approach of our problems. Despite these reservations, there is still a considerable amount of literature that highlights the benefits of positive thinking in many ways.
Such studies demonstrate the influence of positive thinking on treatment and cure of various medical conditions. However, through the truths demonstrated, positive thinking is not a magic elixir, as it doesn’t always cure everybody of cancer, nor does every recovery perfect.
However, it is certain that it can improve mood and reduce high levels of hormones caused by stress. The most important thing to remember is that it has more advantages than negative thinking as there is a close causal link between negative thinking and stress hormone production which makes us feel worse.
Effects of optimism on health
Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health.
The benefits are:
– Decreased negative stress;
– High resistance to colds;
– The sense of optimized health and well being;
– Reduced risk of coronary heart disease;
– More effective coping skills in difficult situations.
It still remains unclear why people who engage in positive thinking experience these benefits in terms of their health. One theory explains that people with a positive outlook better manage stressful situations, which, consequently, reduce the harmful effects of stress on the human body.
Automatically repeated negative thoughts in the mind of the individual represent one of the biggest barriers in developing positive thinking. People become so accustomed to these thoughts that they shape pessimistic representation of reality, thereby giving them a sense of uncertainty associated with defensive behavior, opening the door to many other issues causing stress.
You can learn positive thinking, too!
Rather than give in to these negative thoughts, drop your preconceptions and irrational thoughts and replace them with positive, rational ones. When you do this, your inner speech will become a realistic and positive one.
You can learn to turn negative thinking into positive thinking. The process is simple, but takes time and requires practice – you are creating a new habit, after all. Thus, periodically during the day, stop and evaluate what you’re thinking of. If you find that your thoughts are mainly negative, try to find a way to give them a positive turn.
Start by following one simple rule: Do not say anything to yourself of what you wouldn’t normally say to another person.
For example, a negative thought such as “No one wants to go out with me.” may be replaced by “I’m a good and interesting person. I am grateful for the friends in my life.” Another thought such as “I will never have good results.” could be substituted by “I will continue to do everything possible to succeed, and, if necessary, I will ask help from another person.”
Consequently, Positive Thinking comprises a significant number of benefits, with influences on people’s physical and mental well being. Indeed, it is not a universal potion, but, associated with positive actions, it anticipates positive results for sure.