Apple Cider Vinegar Diet- Make Your Own Apple Vinegar. Losing Weight and other Health Benefits of Apple Vinegar

The apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar made from cider or apple must through the process of fermentation. Like any vinegar, the apple cider vinegar mainly consists of acetic acid (CH3COOH) (4%-8%) and water. Organic apple cider vinegar contains mother of vinegar (Mycoderma aceti), which is a substance composed of a form of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that develops on fermenting alcoholic liquids. During the process this bacteria turns the alcohol into acetic acid in the presence of oxygen.



The apple cider vinegar has a brownish-gold color, a distinctive sour taste and pungent smell. Vinegar is produced either by fast or slow fermentation processes. Traditional vinegar is produced using slow methods: the fermentation proceeds slowly over the course of months.

Make your own apple cider vinegar

  1. Take 10 whole apples (including cores and peels). Chop them into small pieces. Place them in a large and cover them with water. To help the fermentation process work faster, you can add ¼ cup of sugar for each quart of water you used and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
  2. Cover the bowl with a heavy plate. Make sure that the apple scraps are completely covered with water. The bowl will be placed in a cool dark location for a week. Keep it away from sunlight. 65-85 degrees is a good temperature for fermentation. You will see that foam appears on the top of the mixture as yeast forms. Black mold can sometimes appear, too, but when the week is up, the mold is spooned away.
  3. Strain out and discard the apple solids. Pour the liquid into canning jars, leaving about an inch of room in each jar. Cover each canning jar with a square of doubled cheesecloth and screw just the ring part of the top on. Store it in your pantry for about six weeks. On the top of the jars a film should start forming on the top: the ‘mother of vinegar’. From time to time, you can stir the liquid the mother settles on the bottom and more will grow on top.
  4. After six weeks, replace the cheesecloth with the flat part of the lid and screw the ring back on. The liquid should have a distinct ‘vinegar’ smell and jellyfish-like masses should be floating in the jar. By this point the yeast will have eaten all the available sugars. You can store the apple cider vinegar in a cool, dark place indefinitely.

What is the apple cider vinegar used for?

1.       Cosmetic purposes

  • Fights against hair dandruff if it is added into the rinse water;
  • Boosts the pH of your skin; clears acne;
  • Added to bath water, it relieves the redness and pain of sunburn;
  • Reduces skin blemishes, swelling and bruises;
  • Helps in the removal of warts;
  • Reduces cellulite;
  • Helps control bad breath;
  • Whitens teeth and kills mouth bacteria.

2.       Health Purposes

  • Cleanses the kidneys;
  • Reduces inflammation from arthritis;
  • Relieves sinus pressure and fights infection;
  • Aids weight loss, helping you control your cravings, increasing your energy level and boosting metabolism;
  • Relieves allergies and asthma symptoms;
  • soothes sore throat; clears stuffy nose;
  • Balances the body’s pH level;
  • Reduces blood glucose level in diabetics;
  • Aids digestion, promoting bowel movements and easing constipation; promotes growth of healthy flora;
  • Taken with warm water and honey before bedtime, apple cider vinegar may help with sleep issues;
  • cuts down on nighttime leg cramps; soothes sore muscles;
  • Strengthens bones;
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Relieves heartburn;
  • Treats ear infections;
  • Lowers blood pressure.

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