An Introduction to Diabetes and Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people every year. When someone has diabetes, it means that the body has an issue with producing and processing insulin, which the body then uses to keep energized. The pancreas is the part of the body that produces insulin, which is vital for processing glucose. If it’s not producing enough insulin, if any at all, the sugar consumed in food eaten can not be adequately processed, causing a whole host of concerns.

There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is the heredity kind and unpreventable. If someone were to have type 1 diabetes, they were probably born with it, although it can develop later in life. With type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, which means the body can’t break down sugar well enough and turn it into glucose, energizing the body’s cells. Instead, the cells in the body begin to starve because they’re not getting what they need. The body can then start to feel weak because it’s not being energized. This can then lead to ketoacidosis, meaning the body starts snacking on its protein as an energy source. This can cause nausea and vomiting, fatigue, excessive thirst, shortness of breath, and confusion.

Type 2 diabetes is the kind people often develop later on in life. It is usually preventable and often occurs when someone has an unhealthy, sugary diet for quite some time. With type 2, the body has enough insulin; it just doesn’t know how to use it properly. This is usually because someone has consumed so much sugar over time that the body is overwhelmed and forgotten how to process the pancreas’ insulin. There is often too much sugar in the bloodstream, and the body is unsure what to do with it. The liver and kidneys are not designed to handle large amounts of sugar, so blood sugar levels rise when they’re forced to. The body works in a specific way, and when those ways are disrupted, the body can shut down as a way to cope. This shutdown can cause numerous risks, such as liver and kidney damage, heart conditions, comas, and even death.

By using the best glucose meter, anyone with diabetes can monitor how much sugar they have in their bloodstream so they know if they need to consume more or not. For example, someone with type 1 diabetes can check their glucose levels when they wake up and then take a dose of insulin as needed. Different foods contain different amounts of sugar, and even foods you wouldn’t imagine having sugar, do. As food is digested throughout the day, different amounts of sugar are absorbed by the body, so then a glucose meter can be used again to check blood sugar levels. If the levels are low, another dose of insulin can be injected to keep the sugar levels within a reasonable range. A normal reading for someone without diabetes would likely be under 140 mg/dL, anything over indicates a problem. Ranges can vary slightly depending on weight, height, etc., but a doctor will be able to give someone the right data they need to abide by. If the levels are too high, which would likely be the case for someone with type 2, then they would need to consume foods without sugar. If more sugary foods are consumed, this could result in the body suffering from hyperglycaemia. Hyperglycaemia can damage the vessels that supply the blood with all of the hormones and chemicals it needs, resulting in some significant health complications. Thankfully, these sugar levels can be kept under control with a specific diet. Plus, there are plenty of diabetic-friendly food options these days, making lifestyle changes easier.

Living with diabetes isn’t easy to say the least. Even when things are going right, it’s still a risky condition that could cause problems at any time. It’s very important that anyone living with diabetes, no matter which type, takes steps to lead a healthy life. Their body cannot do it alone, so it is essential that they keep on top of treatment to avoid any other health concerns. Regularly checking blood sugar levels, eating properly, and regular visits to the doctor will ensure someone is on the right path.

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