Tagged: parenting

Tips for Raising an Infant: Newborn to One Year Old

When it comes to infants, cognitive development involves learning process of language, memory, thinking, and reasoning. At this stage of life, a baby is learning to recognize your voice. He or she is also  learning to focus vision. Until this point, a baby’s vision stemmed from the periphery or the corner of the eyes. Now, the...


Is Your Child Being Desensitized?

In a world of interactive gaming, internet junkies, and outrageous advertisement gimmicks isn’t it time to open our eyes, as parents, and look at the world through younger, more venerable eyes? To do this is to begin to understand what our kids see in this confusing world. There is violence, murder, rape, and torturous acts all...

Be Ready For Family Discussions

Be Ready For Family Discussions

The average family is scared to death of certain conversations. Not only are the children blush-till-I’m-beet-red-embarrassed about certain topics, but the parents aren’t any less embarrassed about it. As children age from innocence to teenage years the importance of these topics sky-rockets. The availability of time goes down and the average must-have conversations are not mentioned...

Non-Traditional Family Life

Non-Traditional Family Life

The good old days when Mom’s worked at home. Their only work was being a Mother, keeping up the house, and having dinner ready when Dad returned home from a long day at the office. Well, not anymore. This style of home life is a dying breed. It is not due to a lack of wanting...

Does Your Child Have Problems With Homework?

Does Your Child Have Problems With Homework?

If you have noticed any of these signs from your child when it comes to their homework and homework habits you may be dealing with a Homework problem-child. This is a common occurrence that can be solved with a little attention to detail on your part, as a parent. Does your child perform below their potential...

A Real Baby Brother or Sister – Are Your Other Children Ready?

Having your first baby was a challenge, now you have another one on the way. Your children may understand they are “having a baby”, and are excitedly playing with dolls and looking at pictures. Are they ready for a real baby brother or sister to join the family? More importantly, are you ready? You already know...

Emotional Intelligence and Kids

Emotional Intelligence and Kids

A child’s emotional quotient (EQ) is very important for his or her success. A high EQ means that a child relates and communicates comfortably with people, copes adequately with emotions, and forms lasting friendships. Parents greatly contribute to the development of the emotional intelligence of their kids. Teaching cooperation, empathy, and responsibility are very critical. It...