Tagged: lose weight

Find Your Estrogenic Balance and Lose Weight with the Anti-Estrogenic Diet

The Anti-estrogen Diet is recommended for both women and men with symptoms of estrogen overload. The diet is purported to decrease the risk of metabolic disorders, weight gain, infertility and even prostate, uterine and breast cancer. Estrogens are female sex hormones that are responsible with the growth and development of female sexual characteristics and reproduction. Even...

A perfect diet to lose weight- The Step Diet

  Understanding the balance between the energy intake, the energy expenditure, and how the body stores energy can help us develop strategies to reduce obesity and maintain a healthy weight. And one thing is sure:  excessive weight gain can be defeated by reducing the calorie intake and increasing the energy expenditure. This is the main idea...

A diet to lose weight fast- the Soup Diet

“When it comes to getting our waistlines in order, soup is simply a miracle in a bowl.”                                                                                                   Fiona Kirk, ‘Soup Can Make You Thin’ In theory, soup is a complete dish, which can successfully combine all the groups of foods from the food pyramid, in the correct proportion. Soup satisfies hunger, is nutritionally balanced, fights...

losing weight tips

The best diet ever! 10 pounds skinnier in 5 minutes :)

After eating only healthy foods and exercising religiously each day, you’ve got really close to your ideal weight. There are only 10 pounds left to lose. How can you get rid of them in an instant? Simply!  Any woman can look 5, 10, even 15 pounds slimmer automatically by simply using wardrobe as a secret weapon....

motivation fitness

10 Fitness TIPS which can help you stick with your fitness program

      Whenever you are thinking to give up your fitness program, use these tips to make you change your mind: 1.       Learn to enjoy the physical exercise. The more into your workout you are, the more likely you’ll stick with it. 2.       Make the physical exercise a part of your daily routine. It may...

the best diet

Top 5 Healthiest Diets

With the help of a panel of experts, U.S. News- Health evaluated and ranked 29 of the healthiest diets, popular in U.S. A healthy diet helps you maintain or improve your general health, lowering the health risks, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cancer. The eating plan of a healthy diet is usually based...

eating healthy and lose wheigh

3 Ways to Cut Calories and Lose Weight Fast

If you want to lose weight fast, you need to cut calories. For every 500 calories you cut every day, you lose 1 pound. What should be done to lose these daily 500 calories? 1. Cut Your Carb Servings in Half It is not absolutely necessary to follow a low-carb, high-protein Atkins-like diet—or the currently trendy...

Put a bow around your waist

It might make you smile, but is not an advice on how you can turn yourself into a present, but an advice given by trainer Jillian Michaels on how you can stay slim. Jillian Michaels is one of the leading health and wellness experts in US. She is one of the most inspiring people on television...