Tagged: lose pounds

dissociated diet plate

Guaranteed Weight Loss with the Dissociated Diet

Dissociated Diet One of the most popular diets, the dissociated regime, is based on the consumption of a single food group during a certain period of time. Eating dissociated is not really a diet but a way of constructing your meals. The main idea behind dissociated diet is that not the food itself makes you fat,...

Flatten Your Tummy with the Flat Belly Weight Loss Plan

With a 1,600-calorie Mediterranean-style diet, the Flat Belly Diet promises a weight loss of up to 15 pounds in 32 days. The pounds are supposed to melt away from the waist. Usually these extra pounds located in the midsection increase the risk of heart and other cardiovascular diseases. The diet was created by Liz Vaccariello, editor-in-chief...