Tagged: diet

lose weight

Watermelon diet

Watermelon is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, related to the cantaloupe, squash, pumpkin, cucumber. Approximately 92% of its content is represented by water, which gives its juicy and thirst-quenching texture. Since there is so much water in a melon, the number of calories in this vegetable is very low – you can enjoy 100 grams...

diet mistakes

My diets are a total failure! Why? WHAT DID I DO WRONG?

The first week of your diet plan is almost over, you were supposed to be 5 pounds lighter, but you cannot see any changes in your weight. What happened? Why haven’t you lost any weight at all? As the days go by, you are trying really hard not to break any rules of your weight loss...

carbohydrates facts

Good carbs: One Myth about Potatoes, Bread, Pasta and Rice

Potatoes, bread, pasta and rice… They are all carbohydrates and they all were blamed for causing weight gain, especially when the low carbs diets became very popular. Contrary to the general opinion, like any other nutrient eaten in excess, carbohydrates can cause extra pounds, but no more than any other food. And they do not cause...


Are you too skinny? Here you are some rules to gain weight

For some people, being too skinny feels as bad as being too fat for others. They try desperately to add a few pounds to their thin figures, but nothing seems to work. What should be done?   Make sure that you are not the victim of some disease which causes weight loss- Tuberculosis, cancer, hormonal imbalances...

the best diet

Top 5 Healthiest Diets

With the help of a panel of experts, U.S. News- Health evaluated and ranked 29 of the healthiest diets, popular in U.S. A healthy diet helps you maintain or improve your general health, lowering the health risks, such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cancer. The eating plan of a healthy diet is usually based...

Osteoarthritis: Ease your joint pain through a proper diet

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, known as degenerative joint disease. It generally involves the joints of the hands, knees, hips, shoulders or the spinal vertebrae, and it can be caused by aging, heredity, and injury from trauma or disease. For people who have osteoarthritis, a well-balanced diet with extra omega-3 fatty acids, fiber...