A Sustainability Idea That Offers an Easy and a Cheap Way to Defeat Diabetes

Diabetes is a known disease that has something to do with the abnormal increase of the blood sugar of a human body. There are various reasons why people get diabetes. One is when their body does not produce enough insulin or the insulin doesn’t function well. Insulin is responsible for delivering glucose (sugar) into the human cells to produce energy. If our body doesn’t have enough insulin, the distribution of sugar for energy production will fail, making the glucose level rise.

This is the very reason why diabetic people are very careful with the food that they eat. They have to avoid sweet foods and any other foods that may contain a high-level of sugar. But if you are a diabetes patient and tired of avoiding several kinds of foods, then worry no more because a sustainability idea has been discovered to offer revolutionary ways of reversing diabetes. This doesn’t even need lots of money. All you just need are some eggs, potato starch, apple cider, and cinnamon. What should you do? Let’s find out.

Diabetes is associated with high sugar level inside our body.

Sustainability Idea: Recipes for Defeating Diabetes

When you have diabetes, you are always skeptical on the foods that you eat. You might always end up checking the label of the products that you buy to check the amount of sugar in that certain product. Stop the worry and try these simple recipes that would reverse diabetes. These recipes highly support sustainability since these don’t need you to spend too much money.

  1. Hard Boiled Egg with Apple Cider Vinegar

Scientists have discovered that eating hard boiled eggs in the morning regulates the production and activity of insulin. Furthermore, it helps keep blood sugar in control the whole day. Just follow these simple steps.

Eggs also contain other nutrients essential for the body.

  • Boil the egg.
  • Peel off the shell.
  • Poke the egg with the tip of a fork.
  • Dip the hardboiled egg in apple cider vinegar.
  • Leave for few minutes. You may also let it stand overnight.
  • Eat the egg with warm water mixed with few drops of cider vinegar.

Cider vinegar is also beneficial to diabetic patients since it helps in lowering the level of glucose in our body.

Apple cider vinegar decreases blood sugar response when eating foods.

  1. Lady’s Fingers

Lady’s finger is also known as okra, bhindi, and bamies in other countries. This vegetable can miraculously reduce the glucose in the body. You may include this as an important ingredient in your vegetable recipes. However, when this is overcooked, the nutrients would be gone. So, it would be better to eat it half cooked.

  1. Blanched Lady’s Finger
  • Boil water
  • When the water is already boiling, add the washed ladyfingers.
  • Blanch it for only 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Get the lady’s fingers and place them in a bowl.
  • You may dip them in the fermented fish paste or with apple cider vinegar when you eat it.

Lady’s fingers are native to Southeast Asian countries.

  1. Raw Lady’s Finger
  • Wash the lady’s finger.
  • Cut the head.
  • Slice vegetable vertically.
  • Dip it in drinking water.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • Get the lady’s fingers and drink the water in the morning, or anytime you want. You may replace your plain drinking water with this one.
  1. Baking with Potato Starch

Potato starch is also known as resistant to starch. This is for the reason that this type of starch helps in insulin sensitivity. This is very helpful in a diabetic patient whose body does not respond to insulin treatments already. Resistance starch also lessens the feeling of hunger, thus, avoiding you from eating too much. This ingredient is very affordable. In fact, you can make them at home using home grown potatoes.

Potato starch is beneficial to people who are insulin resistant.

  • Peel the potatoes.
  • Cook them, and mash.
  • Use a dehydrator to dry them. This usually takes 12 to 20 hours.
  • You may also dry them using the strong heat of the sun.
  • Blend the dried mashed potatoes to crush them finely.
  • Store it properly.

When you bake, you can replace your ordinary flours with this healthy one. You may add cinnamon into your baked potato starch products since cinnamon is also good in lowering the glucose level of the body. You may even use these two as key ingredients in your baking like the Potato Cinnamon Rolls replacing the all-purpose flour with potato starch powder.

Cinnamon can lower the glucose response of the food.

Aside from these recipes, there are also various fruits that are very beneficial in reversing diabetes. These fruits include avocado, apple, cherry, grapefruit, grapes, guavas, oranges, peach, pears, plums, and strawberries. These fruits are somehow expensive if bought in the market. So, another idea that supports sustainability is to include any of these fruits in your garden. Just choose a fruit that can adopt you locality, prepare your rich soil, and plant your desired fruit. You just have to water them regularly and use the best fertilizers in the market so that your tree will bear juicy fruits. Do this to have a sustainable, healthy living away from diabetes.


Hi there! I’m Lucy – founder of GardenAmbition.com and I’m a self-confessed garden fanatic. Gardening has always been a passion of mine and will always be my favorite pastime. Now that I am married and have one adorable son, I have the time to write and share my personal experiences with other garden enthusiasts like me.

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