7 Ways to Naturally Tighten Skin after Weight Loss
If you lost a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time then the loose skin is the byproduct of the weight loss. Loose skin is a very awkward and embarrassing thing after weight loss. It can hurt your self-esteem and shatter your confidence. There are hundreds of skin tightening cosmetic treatments are offered by the doctors which include the exercise, nutritional tactics, medical procedures and many other things. If you have loose skin problem after weight loss then you should take some measures in order to tight your loose skin. You can tighten your loose skin through many ways from your diet, from medical treatments, exercise, yoga, and many other things. If you don’t want to undergo the skin tightening operations and treatments then you can try other methods of exercise and yoga. Some of the most effective ways to tight your skin after the weight loss, are as follows.
Herbal Remedies:
There are several herbal remedies for the skin laxity. The herbal remedies are always effective and free from all the side effects. If you have sagging skin then you should definitely try some herbal remedies. The most effective herbal remedy for the sagging skin is the aloevera massage. The aloevera is very good for the skin it also helps in rejuvenating your skin and tightens the loose and saggy skin. The egg white is the natural astringent and plays a significant role in tightening your skin. Applying egg white on your skin makes your skin tight and firm. You can also massage your body with essential oils. In order to get rid of your sagging skin, you can apply the cucumber scrub on your skin. The cucumber makes your skin refreshing and young and it will also make your skin tight and firm. The herbal remedies are the best and the most effective natural method for tightening skin.
The skin laxity and skin sagging are the byproducts of the weight loss. If you have the problem of loose skin on your face, neck, underarms, abdomen, and thighs then some exercise might help you in tightening your skin. The exercise is a natural way of tightening the skin which makes your skin firm and smooth. In order to trim the unwanted skin from abdomen and thighs, you should do crunches and squats as much as possible. The squats and crunches not only tighten your skin but also tone up the muscles in your abdomen and thighs. For tightening your skin from the legs you should lay on your left side with your left leg straight and your right leg bent at a 90-degree angle. This is a very effective exercise for tightening skin. While you are doing an intensive workout for tightening your skin you have to make sure that you take the proper and wholesome diet.
Yoga is not only beneficial for the health of your mind and body but it can play a vital role in making your skin tight and firm. People don’t do yoga because they think that the process yoga for skin tightening will take too much time but little did they know that the yoga can the most effective, prolong and long-lasting skin tightening therapy. In order to tight your sagging skin from the belly with the help of yoga, you should do downward dog pose. For this pose you have to begin by getting down on your knees and then bending forward, placing your arms beneath the shoulders. This pose not only tightens the loose skin but also gives the shape to the belly. You can tighten your skin from the neck, legs and belly region with the help of the cobra pose. For doing this pose, you have to lie straight with the chest facing the floor and lift your torso and arch the back towards your toes. While lifting the torso you have to make sure that your feet remain on the ground. This pose helps you in getting rid of the cellulite on the thighs, belly, and neck. Therefore, you should do this pose for ten minutes once in a day in order to get rid of the loose and saggy skin.
Essential Oil Massage:
Essential oils are beneficial for many reasons. One of the benefits of the essential oil is skin tightening. If you have the skin laxity and you don’t want to undergo any surgical or laser skin tightening treatment then you should massage your body with the essential oils. Some of the best skin tightening, essential oils are jojoba oil, neroli oil, myrrh oil, almond oil, rose oil, lavender oil and many others. You have to rub one of the skins tightening essential oils on your body. The essential oil massages not only tighten your body but it helps you in having wrinkle-free and flawless skin.
Moisturize Your Body:
Moisturizing is mandatory and obligatory in order to get the tight, firm, fresh, and young skin. Some of the best quality moisturizers are available on the market. In order to reduce the skin laxity, you should buy the standard and quality moisturizer and massage your body with it. The moisturizer rejuvenates the loose skin cells of your body and makes your skin tight and firm. Therefore, you should moisturize your body in order to get a fresh, young, tight and beautiful skin.
Drink Water:
No matter you have saggy skin or not you should drink a large amount of water. The intake of water will make your skin tight and firm by tightening the skin cells of your body. The water can play a significant role in making your skin tight, fresh, young, and firm.
Eat Wholesome Diet:
After losing a significant amount of weight rapidly you should eat the balanced, wholesome, and proper diet. The high protein foods can help you in making your skin tight and firm. Therefore, you should eat high protein foods in order to tight your saggy and loose skin. Eating wholesome diet will help you a lot in tightening your skin
Author bio:
Sania is a student of accounts and finance. She enjoys shopping, trying out skincare remedies and blogging about anything that is related to beauty and self-care. Her love for pets, tea and travelling is eternal. She ritually posts at The Smart Women Blog.
I’ve heard that apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons a day) works very well as well.