7 Health Benefits of Tangerines


Introduction to Tangerines – Eating healthy is a great way for you to look and feel your absolute best. Certain foods, such as tangerines, have numerous benefits when incorporated into your diet on a regular basis. An easy way to make sure that you are getting all of the important nutrients from fruits and vegetables is to try to eat foods from all colors of the spectrum. Tangerines are orange and offer benefits that are similar to certain other orange foods on the spectrum such as oranges and other citrus fruits. A high amount of vitamins, nutrients and minerals plus a great taste make tangerines a delicious food to add to your regular diet.

Tangerines are similar in color to oranges but are generally slightly smaller. The have loose skins that are easily peeled, which makes them popular with children and for quick snacks. Tangerines are usually smaller than typical oranges and grow during all seasons of the year in different parts of the world. In the U.S. their typical growing season peaks in the colder, winter months. They are sometimes referred to as Mandarin oranges in certain parts of the world.

Health Benefits of Tangerines

Vitamin C – Tangerines have a high amount of Vitamin C and flavenoids, which is similar to the properties of oranges and other citrus fruits. Vitamin C has many important functions within the body. It helps protect the body against immune system deficiencies ranging from the common cold to more serious ailments. This vitamin also helps protect the eyes and keep them healthy and can help prevent wrinkles on the face and body. Those reasons alone are enough for many people to consume items packed with this vitamin!

Flavenoids – Flavenoids can help prevent certain types of cancers and to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. The pectin found in tangerines can also help to lower cholesterol when it is consumed on a regular basis. Tangerines are a healthy food because they are high in fiber and low in calories so they can be eaten without weight gain or regret. They are also semi-sweet and tart so they can take the place of dessert without a problem for those of you with a bit of a sweet tooth.

B-Complex Vitamins – Tangerines also contain B-Complex vitamins that can help the body produce energy and help nerves function correctly. Tangerines contain Vitamin B-1, as well as B-2, B-3, B-5 vitamins and folate. B vitamins can be difficult to get from many types of foods so foods that contain them should be eaten on a regular basis so that you stay healthy and happy for a long time to come.

Vitamin A – Tangerines contain much more Vitamin A than their cousin, the orange, does. Vitamin A is needed for healthy eyes and skin. It is also useful for keeping your teeth and bones strong and healthy throughout your life.

Fiber – This delicious citrus fruit is high in fiber compared to many other types of foods. This means that eating one or more per day will help to keep bowel movements regular. Eating more than one or two per day could actually work as a natural laxative. Fiber also helps to keep cholesterol from being absorbed while it is in the digestive tract; this added benefit means that tangerines helps reduce overall cholesterol when eaten regularly. Fiber also helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, obesity and arthritis.

Other Benefits of Tangerines

The tangerine is considered to have antiseptic properties that can be used to keep unhealthy bacteria at bay. Consider eating them while you are traveling through foreign countries and are unaccustomed to the local foods. Tangerines help the body handle spasms that happen when nerves become tense. They also help the body heal and recover from natural wear and tear that occurs to muscles and joints over time. Imagine feeling younger for longer!

Tangerine oil, whether ingested by eating tangerines or used in aromatherapy treatments, has many valuable properties. It helps you stay alert physically and mentally. It eases stomach pains and upsets that occur normally throughout life. It helps raise your metabolism so that you can lose weight quicker and easier. The oil can also help purify the blood and organs by detoxifying your systems.

How to Eat Tangerines for Optimal Benefits

Tangerines are best eaten raw to gain the most nutritional benefits from the food. The peel is generally discarded, as is most of the white pith underneath the peel. The peel and pith actually contains a lot of the helpful tangerine oils and can be grated to add flavor to various dishes. It is important to use certified organic tangerines when consuming the peel so that pesticides are avoided.

Tangerines can be eaten plain or placed into salads and other dishes. The sweet and sour flavor adds an acidic taste to many different dishes; there are hundreds of recipes available that call for the addition of tangerine slices or juice. Tangerines can be juiced to gain many of the nutrients but not the helpful dietary fiber.

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