6 Healthy Habits Parents Should Teach Their Kids

Parents are children’s biggest role models. The majority of habits they develop will be the result of the example you set for them. So, make every example count, by teaching them healthy habits from the youngest age. As soon as they can understand you and communicate with you, start teaching them the importance of physical activity, healthy eating and many other habits that will make their life better.

Spend time outside

One of the most important aspects of a healthy life is physical activity. The more time kids spend outside in nature, the healthier they’ll be. The immune system grows stronger with every hour they spend in the woods, by the sea or up in the mountains. Spending weekends in the countryside, using your afternoon time off to go to the botanical garden or play fetch with your dog in the backyard Is enough to teach kids they need to dedicate some time every day to breathe in the fresh air. Create outdoor evening routines and spend an hour cycling every day or playing football in the backyard.

Breakfast is the main meal of the day

Did you know that breakfast is the one meal you should never skip? Generally, you should not skip any of the three main meals, but breakfast in particular. Why? Because it’s the meal that keeps your body energised throughout the day. In the morning, you’re feeding the body all the nutrients you need to keep energy boosted and motivation on the highest level. Teach the kids to make time for a healthy bowl of cereals, eggs with bacon or whole grains. A protein-packed breakfast a day will keep the doctor away.

Teach them to play

You’d think that kids will naturally know how to play. Contrary to popular belief, some kids won’t know how to make the most of their playtime, so you can help them learn. Playing with toys stimulates imagination and creativity, needed for their future education. Introduce them to educational sensory toys that will offer kids all the entertainment and education they need to feel happy and amused. Seeing new shapes and colours and feeling different sizes and shapes will be invaluable for their development. Offer them sensory toys to show them that learning can be fun and prepare them for school.

Show them how to share

Teaching kids that sharing is caring is another important lesson. That is especially true for kids that don’t have siblings. Unlike those with younger or older brothers and sisters, an only child won’t instinctively know that they should share their toys with other kids. First come toys, later in life come school essentials, then food and even clothes. Teach them that some kids are not as privileged as yours are, which is why they should always help those in need by sharing stuff they have in abundance.

Promote H2O over juice

Children only crave what they’ve tasted before. Try to keep them away from unhealthy sweets and treats for as long as possible. Offer them water whenever they’re thirsty, and refrain from buying juice boxes or fizzy drinks when they’re too little. Teaching them the importance of water is vital to keep their skin hydrated and body fuelled with needed fluids. Naturally squeezed juices are the safest sweet choice. Freshly squeezed oranges, lemons, and grapefruit boost the immune system while offering the needed sugar intake for the little one.

Socialising is vital

Do you throw playdates for kids? Do you know if they love to spend time with other kids in kindergarten? Socialising is of the essence for a child’s development. They need to learn to function in a group to know how to feel comfortable later in life. Spending time at school when they’re older and finding a job where they’ll need to communicate with co-workers,  have the foundation built in childhood when parents need to teach the kids to spend time with other people. Furthermore, socialisation also teaches us about empathy and compassion, as well as listening and understanding that we’re all unique, have distinct needs and have different opinions.

Teaching children invaluable lessons is of the essence for their healthy development. Your child can potentially be a brilliant individual if you only dedicate your time to teaching them how to socialise, eat well, spend time outside, help others, and play. Be the best role model a child could ever ask for by being a committed and loving parent that will always put their child first instead of letting them become couch potatoes as they play games on their smart device.

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