5 Common Myths About Juice Nutrition Fact

For most people, drinking a cool glass of juice on a hot day is something they can’t do without. It is no hidden fact that taking a glass of juice each day can be highly nutritious and refreshing to various parts of the body as there are various types of juice and they all contain vital and essential nutrients that are needed by the body to function at optimal level.

Although it comes with all of its benefits, merits and nutritional gains, many people are swayed by common myths about juice nutrition fact that accompany the various varieties of juice.

So it is good consumers and Juice extractor on the market know the common myths tied to juice nutrition fact so they can know the right and wrong facts. We’ve listed out the 5 common myths about juice nutrition fact below.

Myth 1: fruits juice contain high amount of sugar and they are not that healthy

This myth holds its ground as it is true. Juices; most especially fruit juices are high in their sugar content. Naturally fruits contain a large quantity of sugar and when the fruit is juiced, it means you get all the sugar in an unrefined liquid form. In other to reduce the sugar content, it is advised to strike a balance between the amount of fruits and vegetables in your juice servings. The low sugar content of the vegetables will cancel out the high sugar levels of the fruits to give you a well balanced serving.

Myth 2: Juice have a large amount of calories in them

Truth is there are larger chunks of calories contained in various varieties of juices but the amount of calories varies each serving. The more the fruits in the juice the more calories add up. But on the plus side, if the amount of veggies and leafy greens are on the high, then the calories content will be greatly reduced. A more better way to make your juice right on its nutritional content is to mix up the veggies and fruits properly

Myth3: Juice contains fiber

This myth comes out as not true. When it comes to juices, the nutrients and minerals can be very high but the amount of fiber is considerably very low. The part of the fruit that contains fiber is the pulp and this part is often thrown away during the juicing process. Unless your juice recipe requires you to add the pulp of your fruit, the amount of fiber will always be zero or low.

Myth4: juicing is nutritional and beneficial

Juicing is indeed beneficial both in the long and short run. Juicing has become a natural method of getting the best nutrients out of fruits and vegetables. Both fruit and vegetable juice contains a whole lot of nutrients, phytochemicals, and enzymes that help to build the immune system, thereby preventing diseases. Furthermore, it aids digestion, as it is quickly absorbed by the body. Indeed, the benefits of juicing are so much.From its detoxification effects to its immune-boosting abilities; juicing is an exciting way to healthy living.

Myth 5: juice can help you with weight loss

Is your juice making you fatter or is it aiding your weight loss? Truth is it can go both ways when it comes to juicing and dieting (weight loss). What increases or decreases your weight in juices is dependent on what is in the juice. The absence of fiber and most especially protein when you take up juicing for weight loss can lead to the loss of muscle mass and get a shredded abs and also lead to extreme results, the key is to balance the protein and fiber amount so as to get the desired results.

It’s good you know if some of the juicer common juicer myths around. So, when next you take a chilled glass of home made juice, reflect your mind back to these myths.

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