3 Tips to Keep Your Singing Voice Healthy & Strong

child sings

As a singer, it’s up to you to keep your singing voice healthy and strong. It isn’t a bad idea to keep your hearing in good health as well. But if you do begin to struggle with hearing loss, SCENT can help you assess the situation and come up with a restorative plan. But hearing health is a topic for another day.

Today we’d like to tell you about some powerful tips to help your voice remain healthy and strong. You need to keep your voice in excellent condition for performances, auditions, and practices and rehearsals. If you can’t keep your voice in good health, you’ll never be able to make it as a singer. So if you’re struggling in this regard and you need help, please use these tips to your advantage.

Tip #1: Training Your Voice

Singers, songwriters, and voice coaches will tell you that treating your voice is the best way to ensure it remains healthy and strong. Without proper training and diligence, you could potentially harm your vocal cords and find it nearly impossible to sing because of the unintended damage that was incurred.

Training your voice is crucial because it allows you to learn when to rest your voice, when to avoid overusing your voice and you’ll even learn proper singing techniques. Even more than that, vocalists typically fail to realize the power of eating a healthy and balanced diet.

As a vocalist, you need to begin thinking of yourself as a gymnast. Gymnasts practice every day for years and years to become flexible, limber, and incredibly proficient in their workouts and routines. These people are very disciplined to the extreme and spend hours holding and perfecting their craft.

As someone looking to sing professionally, you need to practice regularly and remain disciplined and totally willing to put in hours upon hours of your time to hone your craft and skill. You need time for recovery and rest, sticking to the optimal diet, and ultimately you’ll have a much better chance of succeeding as a vocalist.

Tip #2: Phonotraumatic Abusive Behaviors Are A No-No

listen music

Abusing your vocal cords is a surefire way to set yourself on the path of becoming a failing a vocalist. How do you abuse your vocal cords? Simply put, you spend too much of your time talking too loudly, screaming for no reason at all, yelling at your kids, or just singing when it’s much too loud. This additional strain on your vocal cords typically comes loudly, hard, and really fast. And you’ll feel a negative impact on your vocals when they get red and swollen.

Believe it or not, if you abuse your vocal cords too often and for too long you can actually create permanent and lasting damage. Phonotrauma of this type has such a deleterious effect that it could actually lead to changes in your vocal fold. Your vocal fold nodules can permanently change and you may even lose your ability to sing as well as you do right now. So avoid these abusive behaviors at all costs.

Tip #3: Remember to Stay Adequately Hydrated

Last but definitely not least, you should drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. No one is saying you should only drink water. You can drink other fluids but it’s best to stay away from caffeinated beverages.

By staying adequately hydrated, you’ll avoid getting food or drink on your vocal folds. Instead, it will act as a lubricant and keep your vocal folds free and clear.

Final Thoughts

You should know that it’s important to keep your vocal cords in good health. Otherwise, you’ll find it difficult to sing and your best performances will be long behind you.

To maintain top-quality vocal health, please remember to stay adequately hydrated, avoid Phonotraumatic abusive behaviors, and properly train your voice with longevity in mind. If you do this regularly, your beautiful singing voice will stay with you for many years to come.


Airto Zamorano is the CEO and Co-Founder of Numana SEO and Numana Medical. He is an the thought leader behind the medical marketing consultants at Numana medical and digital marketer with a track record of success.

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