10 Steps to Living a Greener Lifestyle in Your Golden Years

food for seniors

Living a greener lifestyle is great, but actually doing it is another thing completely. Many seniors have this goal, but you can’t jump into it without knowing what to do first. Here are 10 simple steps you can follow that will help you live a greener life in no time.

Most states have laws stating that you must recycle. Breaking this law can result in fines or even jail time. So, it is safe to say that you already recycle. If not, then it is a good idea, regardless of where you are. For example, search out the recycling can if you are at a park or beach. Most public places have recycling cans, but they may be away from the generic trashcan.

You should also buy products that are recyclable. For plastics, you should look under the product for a number. Only buy products that show a “1,” as these are recyclable.

Turn it Off
Many seniors keep their lights, TVs or appliances on even when they are not in the room because they might forget they’re on or maybe it makes them feel safe. Whenever you don’t need an appliance, or if you leave a room, try to make sure everything is off. Some appliances, like clocks, should stay on all the time, but most things can be turned off without any problems.

This reduces the amount of energy you use, which means that fewer resources are required for the energy company to supply your house with power.

Energy Audit
Find out how much power you use and how you can make your house more efficient. An energy audit can make it easy for you to see what appliances are using the most energy. This allows you to easily replace them or reduce your usage. Seniors can also decrease energy usage with solar panels.

Different Bulbs
Though they are more expensive, fluorescent bulbs are better for your house. They use up less energy and they often last longer. Change all of your bulbs to fluorescents as soon as possible for the best effect. Even if you’re a senior on a fixed budget, energy efficient light bulbs are more expensive, but will save you money in the long run.

Less Driving
Cars produce a lot of toxins. The fuel used by cars is very dangerous for the environment, and the constant oil pumping is also dangerous for the planet. For a greener lifestyle, try walking more. It’s great for the planet and it’s also a great way to stay fit in your golden years.

Less Meat, More Produce
Being a vegan or vegetarian may sound foreign to most seniors, but it is one of the best things you can do for a greener lifestyle. Going 100% vegan right away may sound difficult for some, so start the transition by going slow and limiting the amount of meat you eat in a day. Instead of having three burgers a week, just have one for instance.

Livestock requires a lot of resources, as the animals eat and drink a lot of food and water, and the manure is usually toxic when released in large amounts. Produce still requires energy to grow and tend, but much less is required.

Restrict Water Usage
When you take a shower, there are often gallons of water wasted that you didn’t even need. Get water-restricting devices like low-flow toilets and showerheads that use less water. Also, decrease the amount of hot water you use. Heating water takes a lot of energy and it can be very wasteful.

Green Building Materials
Changing some of the materials in your home (even if it’s an assisted living home), such as the siding or the windows, can decrease the amount of energy you use. Consider getting a green renovation that improves the energy efficiency of your house or apartment There are many state programs to help with this, so you should be able to recuperate some of the costs.

Better Appliances
Most old appliances use a lot of energy, making them quite wasteful. Try upgrading your appliances, especially big ones like washers and air conditioners, to energy-efficient models. They use less energy, and they often work better than the older models.

Buy Less Food
On average, most seniors buy a more food than they really need because they like to have snacks in the house if they get visitors or because buying in bulk is cheaper. Unless you are absolutely sure that you will use all the food, don’t buy anything extra. Most senior households end up throwing away the extra food, and this is wasteful for obvious reasons. If you have any extra food that is still good, but you aren’t going to eat it, consider donating it.

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